Weekly Update 111

by mohingamatters

Hi folks, this week has seen significant victories on the battlefield for various resistance forces, including the Karenni forces downing another regime helicopter and the PDF seizing another town in Tamu. However, amidst these victories, the devastating news of increased civilian casualties at the hands of the regime must be highlighted. There was another massacre in Myinmu Township, Sagaing Region, where more than 30 men were shot dead in cold blood by regime soldiers, and the airstrike on a monastery in Saw Township, Magway Region, resulted in the deaths of nearly 20 people. The regime’s justification for all these horrendous crimes against civilians is based on the alleged support for the resistance. Yet, people continue to demonstrate resilience and courage.

Read the headlines of the week below:

Internal Politics 

  • The regime faces challenges in conscription process

According to insiders from the conscription process, the military council is undergoing a reevaluation for the second batch of military service due to issues with replacements. A source close to the military conscription board revealed that despite plans to commence training in 15 schools, including Mandalay, for the first batch starting on March 29, discrepancies arose with names and individuals, leading to skipped rotations. Particularly in Yangon, Nay Pyi Taw, and Mandalay, where military influence is pronounced, such issues are more prevalent. Batch 2 is currently under scrutiny to prevent recurrence of such problems, delaying its initiation. A source connected to the training schools disclosed that a directive was issued to lower administrative bodies to substitute the names of military generals’ and business tycoons’ children with others. Despite challenges with substitutes, trainees must attend under their real names to receive the military service certificate, with no allowance for substitute identities, the source clarified. Moreover, concerns regarding military council budgets and logistical constraints hinder the possibility of monthly military service training due to training facility locations.

  • AA accused recruitment fraud targeting Muslim youths in refugee camps

Khaing Thukha, the spokesperson for the Arakan Army (AA), issued a statement on May 8, accusing the military council, along with ARSA, ARA, and RSO, of deceitfully enlisting young Muslim individuals from refugee camps in Bangladesh. It was claimed that IDP camps in Bangladesh were mobilizing Muslim youths under the guise of the AA on behalf of the military council. Recent reports indicate that ARSA, ARA and RSO recruited at least 500 individuals from Muslim refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar district for the military council. Additionally, he said that the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA) denounced the recruitment and mobilization efforts of the ARSA, ARA and RSO for the military council, accusing them of exploiting the current political turmoil for personal gain and recruiting new members through deception. In current Rakhine State, specifically in the Buthidaung and Maungdaw areas, reports suggest that the military council is apprehending young Muslims and coercing them into joining the conflict. Local residents have alleged that the military is deliberately instigating tensions between ethnic groups.

  • NUG’s response to the ASEAN’s effort to encourage dialogues for Myanmar issue

U Kyaw Zaw from the NUG president’s office stated that ASEAN countries, including Thailand, are engaging with the Myanmar issue through diverse approaches. However, they emphasize that discussions with the military council can only proceed if the council adheres to the six political directives outlined by the revolutionary forces. These directives include a complete cessation of the military’s political involvement. Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin held meetings with ethnic armed groups, including the NUG, in Chiang Mai on April 13, and with the Prime Minister of Malaysia in Phuket in early May. Analysts speculate that former Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s request to speak with State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi aims to initiate dialogue on the Myanmar issue. In response to these developments, U Kyaw Zaw highlighted that for discussions to occur, ethnic armed groups, including the NUG, must adhere to the six political guidelines outlined in the common agreement issued on January 31, 2024. These guidelines include the complete exclusion of the military from politics, civilian governance over the military, rejection of the 2008 constitution, establishment of a federal democratic system, and acceptance of transitional justice measures. They emphasized that dialogue will only proceed if all parties agree to these conditions.

  • The regime denied Mr. Hun Sen’s request to meet DASSK

The military council has rebuffed former Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s plea for a video call meeting with detained State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Nay Pyi Taw. On May 7, Hun Sen, the current chairman of the Cambodian Senate, appealed to the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing for permission to engage in a one-hour video call with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. However, General Zaw Min Tun, spokesperson for the regime, conveyed on state television that there is presently no rationale to permit such a meeting between Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Hun Sen. He acknowledged Hun Sen’s historical engagement with Myanmar, citing his past efforts as the ASEAN chairman. Despite expressing gratitude for Hun Sen’s previous support, the spokesperson reiterated the regime’s commitment to follow established procedures. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has been detained since the military coup and is serving a 27-year prison sentence on multiple charges. She has been denied access to outsiders, including her family and legal counsel, for an extended period.

  • DASSK’s residence to be re-auctioned as the initial bid failed

Sources familiar with the court proceedings revealed that U Aung San Oo, the brother of Aung San Suu Kyi, plans to propose a new minimum price on May 16 for the sale of No. 54 on University Avenue Road, an iconic property in Yangon. The estate failed to attract any buyers during its initial auction on March 20, despite being offered at a floor price of 315 billion kyats (approximately US$90 million). Due to the lack of bids, U Aung San Oo intends to lower the floor price for a second auction attempt. However, the specific amount of the revised floor price remains undisclosed. A court insider stated, “We will reissue the floor price as the initial one did not yield any results. Both parties will then have the opportunity to respond before the court determines the next steps and conducts the auction announcement.” The Kamarut District Court had previously mandated the auction of No. 54 on January 25. Despite the auction being held on March 20, it attracted minimal attention, with only a few military council personnel and journalists in attendance, alongside some lawyers and court staff.

International Affairs

  • Temporary ban of visa for Myanmar males in Chiang Mai

As of May 10, Myanmar males are temporarily barred from applying for education visas through universities and language schools in Chiang Mai, as confirmed by education visa service providers to RFA Burmese. According to one visa service provider, universities have relayed the ban information to visa service providers, affecting Myanmar males seeking educational visas. The provider stated, “I received the news last evening (May 9) and I’m awaiting official confirmation. Schools have begun notifying directly. Boys’ enrollment was temporarily halted due to recent policy changes, while girls’ enrollment continues. We’re currently assisting all eligible students, with an official deadline set until the end of this month. Visa conversion is scheduled for the following Monday; if not completed, further extensions may not be considered.” Although universities have not officially disclosed the reason for the closure, it is attributed to a policy shift by Thailand’s Ministry of Immigration, according to sources. Furthermore, an education service provider highlighted that the education visa application rights are now restricted solely to Myanmar nationals, with no official reason provided by universities. Additionally, language schools are no longer admitting male applicants, limiting enrollment to Myanmar citizens exclusively. This change follows increased departures from Thailand due to the military council’s implementation of military service laws last February, prompting Burmese citizens to seek education visas for prolonged stays in Thailand.

  • Manipur plans eviction of Myanmar nationals amid border conflict

India’s Manipur Chief Minister, N Biren Singh, announced via social media on May 8 plans to deport over 5,000 Myanmar nationals who sought refuge in Manipur state due to ongoing conflict. Describing them as “illegal immigrants,” the chief minister aims to repatriate those who crossed the border. On May 8, he revealed on his social media platform that biodata of 5,173 out of 5,457 individuals who entered illegally from Myanmar has been collected, with arrangements underway for their return. However, specifics regarding the repatriation process remain undisclosed. Concerns have been raised regarding the security of those being sent back, particularly individuals fleeing conflict zones, facing arrest warrants, or associated with the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). Salai Dokhar, founder of India for Myanmar, a social aid group, expressed apprehension about the lack of clarity regarding security assurances from the Indian government. The biographic data collection of Myanmar refugees in India commenced in late July last year, reflecting ongoing efforts to manage the influx of displaced individuals amidst regional turmoil.

  • Temporary border restrictions for Myanmar workers bound for China

An official from the Muse Township Immigration Department disclosed to VOA that Myanmar nationals aged 23 to 31 intending to work in China will face temporary restrictions from crossing the border at Muse Township’s gate in Northern Shan State. The Yunnan government in China has announced that only individuals with valid documentation will be permitted entry. According to the official, a directive from Myanmar prohibits Myanmar men from entering China, resulting in many attempting to cross using QR code tickets from nearby areas in Myanmar. This makeshift method has led to complaints among those attempting to enter, exacerbating the challenges faced by individuals stranded in Muse due to financial constraints. Amidst evolving regulations, officials from the Muse Department informed VOA that Myanmar and China have agreed to accept only individuals endorsed by Myanmar with substantial evidence. Additionally, some residents of Muse town reported to VOA that Burmese citizens holding temporary border crossing permits have been detained for overstaying their permits.

  • Recruitment of Rohingya youths for the Myanmar military raised concerns

A report by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) revealed on May 8 that the military council is actively recruiting Rohingya individuals and providing them with military training. According to the USIP document, a 22-year-old Rohingya youth forcibly recruited by the military expressed a commitment to waging a “Jihad” as guided by Prophet Muhammad, emphasizing the religious aspect of the conflict. The recruited youth recounted being taken from his village at gunpoint by military council forces. Subsequently, after witnessing fellow Rohingya recruits being sent to areas controlled by the Arakan Army (AA), he fled across the Bangladesh border towards Cox’s Bazar, fearing for his life. He warned that sending individuals with no military experience to AA-dominated territories would likely result in their demise. The pervasive fear among Rohingya communities has prompted many to seek escape opportunities across the border into Bangladesh. However, intensified fighting in Rakhine state has led Bangladesh to tighten border security, complicating refugee movements. Reports from Fortify Rights, a regional human rights organization, highlighted instances of Rohingya refugees being beaten by Bangladesh border guards and forcibly repatriated to Myanmar. USIP’s research paper underscored the military council’s strategy to destabilize the region and incite hostilities between ethnic groups, particularly when Arakan is under AA control. A young Rohingya refugee expressed concern that the military’s agenda aims to devastate both Rohingya and Rakhine communities, transforming Rakhine into a battleground.

  • Bangladesh and the Gambia push for expedited Rohingya genocide case at the ICJ 

Bangladesh and The Gambia have jointly expressed their desire for a swift resolution to the case against Myanmar for the Rohingya genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The announcement came after a meeting between Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dr. Hasna Mahmoud and Gambia’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General Dawda Ajello, as reported by Bangladesh News. The meeting took place ahead of the 15th Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meeting in The Gambia. Gambia’s Justice Minister expressed gratitude to Bangladesh for hosting Rohingya refugees and providing humanitarian aid. He also acknowledged Bangladesh’s financial support in addressing the Rohingya crisis. Bangladesh’s foreign minister outlined plans to offer humanitarian asylum to Rohingya refugees and addressed potential challenges they might encounter in the future. Emphasizing the need for a long-term solution, she discussed the complexities of repatriation of Rohingya refugees to Myanmar. However, Gambia’s justice minister highlighted the issue of inadequate funding for ICJ cases. In response, Bangladesh assured its commitment to provide necessary legal assistance and evidence to bolster the case.

Business Matters

  • Border trade resumed in Shan-north with TNLA’s control

Traders report that a border trade gate in Namkham Township, under the control of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in northern Shan State along the China-Myanmar border, has been reopened, facilitating the flow of goods. The TNLA Customs Department confirmed the opening of the Nung Taung Border Gate on April 29, situated in Nung Taung Village, 2 miles south of Namkham City, on the west bank of the Shwe Li River. Though not a major border crossing, the gate is currently handling exports of ore from the renowned Namthubo mine, finished valuable silicon stone from Namkham Township, corn, and charcoal produced in the region to China. Imports from China’s Yunnan Province primarily consist of house-building materials like mud and bricks, with restrictions on other Chinese goods. A charcoal trader noted that there hasn’t been any tightening of restrictions yet, but when gates are closed, charcoal tends to be smuggled. With the reopening of the Nung Taung gate, charcoal sales have surged, accompanied by a rise in prices. The trader highlighted the convenience of paying a single type of tax at this gate compared to others. Notably, the Namsan-Namtu-Mantong-Namkham route to the Naung Taung Gate is controlled solely by the TNLA, requiring traders to pay taxes only to the TNLA Customs Department upon reaching the border gate.

  • Industrial sector struggles amid electricity shortages and raw material imports

Amidst the military council’s governance, prolonged electricity outages and disruptions in raw material imports have severely impacted factories in Yangon and Mandalay, according to industry experts and workers. Industrial zones are experiencing only four hours of electricity per day, leading to increased costs as factories heavily rely on diesel generators. The foreign reserve crisis further exacerbates the situation by restricting the import of essential raw materials, hindering normal factory operations. While the exact number of closed factories remains unknown, local establishments have ceased operations, and even some foreign-owned factories have permanently shut down. The rising production costs, attributed to expensive diesel generators and limited availability of diesel fuel, have significantly affected profits. Entrepreneurs contemplate increasing product prices, yet economic downturns and rising inflation rates dampen consumer demand, exacerbating the crisis. Industrial zone operators report that despite promises of four hours of electricity daily, full power is only available two days a week, with the remaining days seeing a mere one to two hours of electricity. The precarious situation underscores the urgent need for sustainable solutions to revive Myanmar’s struggling industrial sector.

  • Livestock industry struggles due to rising temperature

The livestock industry in Myanmar is grappling with significant losses and health challenges due to soaring temperatures, prompting concerns about disease prevention and increased costs. Ranchers are facing escalating expenses as they strive to safeguard their animals from the scorching heat, particularly in central Myanmar where temperatures soar close to 50 degrees Celsius. At chicken farms, poultry are exhibiting signs of distress such as loss of appetite, wing drooping, and decreased egg size. Additionally, reports indicate that cattle are succumbing to diseases despite efforts to provide care. Fish pond owners in lower Myanmar are also witnessing mass deaths of fish due to elevated water temperatures. The severity of the heatwave was underscored by a record high temperature of 48.2 degrees Celsius in Magway region, marking the highest temperature in 56 years since climate measurements began, as reported by the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology.

Humanitarian Affairs

  • AAPP: more than 6500 civilians killed in Myanmar after the coup

Following the 2021 coup in Myanmar, the regime has perpetrated severe attacks targeting civilians who opposed the coup, leading to a significant loss of life and property seizures, according to a statement by the Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners (AAPP). The AAPP’s report reveals a staggering total of 6,750 civilians killed during the anti-coup movement, including those who died in prison, during arrests, and while in custody. The alarming number of casualties underscores the urgent need for international attention and intervention, as the situation continues to worsen without signs of improvement. As of May 10, 2024, the AAPP reports that 123 individuals have been sentenced to death and are currently held in prisons in connection with the Spring Revolution. Moreover, a total of 166 people have been sentenced to death, with 43 sentenced in absentia, highlighting the severity of the crackdown on dissent in Myanmar.

  • UN: record 3 million civilians displaced in conflict

The United Nations has issued a grave warning concerning Myanmar’s conflict, revealing that over 3 million civilians have been uprooted from their homes nationwide, representing a staggering 50 percent surge in just half a year. Highlighted in a statement by the UN Resident Representative and Humanitarian Coordinator for Myanmar on May 3, of these 3 million internally displaced individuals, more than 2.7 million are fleeing due to conflict and insecurity, with children comprising a third of this staggering figure. This dire scenario worsens as approximately 18.6 million people, including 6 million children, urgently require humanitarian aid, surpassing last year’s figures by over a million. The UN underscores a sharp escalation in displacement since October 2023, primarily impacting civilians across various regions, from Chin State to Rakhine, totaling nearly 1.5 million displaced individuals, with additional displacements in southeastern regions and Rakhine State alone. Emphasizing the urgent need to provide aid to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in these regions, the UN aims to assist 950,000 individuals by 2024, including almost 500,000 displaced persons. However, the organization cautions that current efforts fall short of addressing the immense scale of the crisis.

  • Resurgence of human trafficking along Chinese border sparks alarm

Human trafficking along the Chinese border is experiencing a disturbing resurgence, with individuals using platforms like Facebook and WeChat to procure Burmese wives. Many Burmese women are lured into marriages with promises of significant financial rewards. Now, victims of this trafficking are seeking assistance from Burmese social aid organizations located at the border to secure their rescue. Some of these women find themselves sold as Chinese wives in regions far from the Myanmar border, such as northern and central China, spanning over 2,000 miles away. Despite efforts to combat trafficking, cases remain challenging to trace, even with collaboration between human trafficking organizations across both countries. U Hlaing Aye, of the Laphet Nyunt Social Assistance Association, notes that border regions often serve as focal points for resolving trafficking cases. In 2018, joint efforts by police from Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam successfully rescued around 1,100 young women trafficked as Chinese wives. Social aid groups along the Chinese border warn that Myanmar’s economic struggles may exacerbate the threat of human trafficking in the region.

Attacks on the Junta’s Lackeys & Assets

  • Regime detained its own men for association with PDF in Kyaikhto, Mon State

On May 5, the junta’s forces reportedly detained two police officers from Myoma Station for their alleged association with People’s Defense Force (PDF) rangers in Kyaikhto City, Mon State. The detained individuals are surveillance officer Soe Yarzar and traffic police sergeant Aung Naing Oo. It is alleged that the surveillance officer ignored a recent PDF attack on the electricity supply office and that pictures of him with PDF soldiers were found on his phone. Both have been taken to Battalion 44 interrogation center. During the arrests, regime soldiers reportedly blocked the gates of the police station and instilled fear within the facility.

  • Three killed during ambush on regime’s soldiers in Monywa, Sagaing Region

On the morning of May 7, resistance rangers carried out a guerrilla attack on the regime’s soldiers, resulting in the death of at least three in Monywa City, Sagaing Region. Around 8:50 am, Brave Heart Army (BHA) rangers opened fire on four soldiers from Bawdi Tahtaung Tower Station who were en route to fetch water. Two soldiers were killed on the spot, and one succumbed to wounds while being transported to the station. Additionally, one firearm and several rounds of ammunition were seized by the BHA. The resistance forces emphasized their urgent need for arms and called upon the public to provide support in this regard.

  • Regime’s CID office attacked in Insein tsp, Yangon

On the evening of May 10, an attack targeted the junta’s Central Intelligence Department (CID) office situated in Ywarma East Ward, Insein Township, Yangon. Urban guerrilla rangers launched two grenades toward the office, resulting in an explosion at the entrance gate. Speculations suggest that at least three police officers were killed, with potentially several others sustaining injuries in the incident. The attack was coordinated by the Yangon-based LPDF and Mother Son Yangon Force.

Arbitrary Arrests, Killings & Violence

  • Regime’s soldiers killed 2, abducted 30 in Myaing tsp, Magway Region

On May 8, the junta’s forces reportedly conducted raids on villages in Myaing Township, Magway Region, resulting in casualties and abductions. The raid commenced around 5 am, with a group consisting of soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members arriving upon Kan Thit Village, situated in the southern part of Myaing. During the operation, the soldiers fatally shot two men, Ko Aung Zaw Oo and Ko Nan Aung, both aged 40, as they encountered them along their path. Subsequently, the soldiers abducted approximately 30 individuals, including children and a pregnant woman, from the village, taking them hostage as they proceeded towards military compounds in Pakokku Town. Additionally, the soldiers seized five motorbikes and one automobile from the village.

  • Regime’s airstrike on monastery killed over 20 people in Saw tsp, Magway Region

On May 9, the junta’s airforce launched an aerial attack on a monastery located in Akyipanmaloon Village, Saw Township, Magway Region. Around 11 am, four 500-lb aircraft bombs were dropped on the monastery, despite the absence of any active battle nearby. The attack targeted the monastery where villagers were convening for a regional development meeting. Tragically, over 20 people lost their lives, and more than 30 sustained injuries in the bombing. The severity of the bombing resulted in the bodies being severely burned, making identification of the victims impossible. Furthermore, the monastery itself was completely destroyed and burned to the ground as a result of the attack.

  • Two girls from Octopus Youth Organization detained in Yangon

On May 9, two young members of the Octopus Youth Organization were beaten and arrested by the regime’s forces in Yangon. One member, an admin staff, was apprehended on her way back from downtown, while another member was detained at her hostel at midnight. Both arrests involved violent conduct. The detained individuals, aged between 21 to 27, along with their family members and personal contacts, have been reportedly detained. Their whereabouts and well-being remain unknown. The Octopus Youth Organization, established for more than three years, has organized various resistance activities, including Yangon-based flash mobs and online strikes.

  • Activist Wai Moe Naing sentenced to extra 20 years

On May 10, inside Monywa Prison, the regime’s military tribunal sentenced prominent activist Wai Moe Naing to an additional 20 years in prison, bringing his total sentence to 74 years. Despite the extended sentence, his family remains undeterred but concerned about a potential transfer to other prisons. Monywa Prison houses only inmates with sentences of less than 10 years, indicating that Wai Moe Naing may be relocated to another facility. Wai Moe Naing was arrested in April 2021 when a regime military truck rammed into a protest he was leading.

  • Over 30 men killed by junta’s soldiers in Myinmu tsp, Sagaing Region

On the morning of May 11, Min Aung Hlaing’s soldiers reportedly perpetrated a horrific crime in Myinmu Township, Sagaing Region, resulting in the deaths of dozens of innocent civilians. At around 5 am, two military columns, totaling 100 men, launched a raid on Lathtutaw Village, indiscriminately opening fire. Fleeing villagers sought refuge in the local monastery, but the soldiers eventually arrived there, interrogating them about the whereabouts of PDF soldiers. When no information was provided, the soldiers forcibly brought out men and executed them on the spot. A total of 27 people were killed outside the monastery, while additional bodies were discovered within the village. The victims ranged in age from 13 to 80 years old. According to reports, the regime’s soldiers justified the massacre to women, attributing it to their support for the PDF.

Armed Resistance

  • Hundreds of regime troops surrendered to AA in Buthidaung tsp, Rakhine State

On May 6, the Arakan Army (AA) released video footage showing hundreds of regime troops surrendering to them after a month-long siege on the No. 15 Military Operations Command. Following 12 days of intensified attacks by the AA, the surrender occurred on May 2. Approximately 500 soldiers, including Muslims, were captured on camera entering AA territory unarmed. Among them was the deputy commander. This victory has enabled the AA to bolster its control along the border with Bangladesh.

  • Regime’s chopper shot down, clash intensified in Karenni State

On the morning of May 6, Karenni resistance forces reportedly downed a military helicopter belonging to the regime in Hpasaung Township, Karenni State. The attack resulted in the deaths of at least seven individuals, including three colonels, while two others sustained injuries. Clashes have been ongoing in Hpasaung Township for two months, with Karenni resistance forces intensifying their efforts to gain control of the area. Despite their efforts, two regime battalion units remain strong in the region. Meanwhile, in Lokaw, the capital of Karenni State, the regime’s forces have launched initiatives to tighten their grip on the town. Currently, they maintain control over Loikaw Prison and the Regional Operation Command (ROC).

  • PDF seized Myothit, Tamu tsp, Sagaing Region

The National Union Government (NUG) issued an official statement announcing that a coalition of resistance forces under its command had successfully captured Myothit Town in Tamu Township, Sagaing Region. The victory was achieved on May 7 after a five-hour-long battle, during which 21 regime police surrendered to the resistance forces. Additionally, the resistance forces seized approximately 29 firearms and a quantity of ammunition.

  • KNLA & PDF captured military station in Thayetchaung tsp, Tanintharyi Region

On May 8, resistance forces led by KNLA achieved a successful occupation of the Pedat regime station situated in Thayetchaung Township, Tanintharyi Region. The offensive commenced on May 5 and culminated in the capture three days later. Despite the regime’s efforts to defend the station, positioned along the Pyidaungsu Highway Road connecting Yangon and Tanintharyi, both from the air and sea, the resistance prevailed. Over 20 junta troops surrendered during the battle, and casualties were reported on both sides.

  • Dozens of civilians including children killed in Myingyan battle, Mandalay Region

A skirmish erupted between the regime’s army and local resistance forces on the morning of May 9 in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Region. It began as the resistance forces launched an offensive at the Pyu Saw Htee stations in Sonywa Village along the Myingyan-Simeekhone highway road. The regime’s forces reportedly retaliated with artillery and drones, leading to the tragic deaths of 32 individuals, including children, and injuring 14 others. However, the junta denied its responsibility and blamed PDF for the cause of the explosion that resulted in multiple casualties.

  • PDF seized inspection gate near Mattaya tsp, Mandalay Region

On the morning of May 10, MDY-PDF initiated an assault on the regime’s inspection gate near Tannga Bridge on the Mandalay-Mogok highway Road in Mattaya Township, Mandalay Region. The 45-minute battle resulted in the deaths of a dozen regime soldiers, including a captain, while MDY-PDF suffered one casualty. The resistance forces seized 12 firearms and ammunition and successfully gained control of the station. However, it remains uncertain whether they will maintain control of the station in the long term.

Sources: Myanmar Now, Khit Thit Media, Mizzima, DVB Burmese, RFA Burmese, VOA Burmese

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