It’s the second day of Thingyan Water Festival, and according to the General Strike Committee (GSC)’s schedule, today’s theme of protests was red paint strike to remember the ongoing bloodshed all over the country. Three fingers were painted with red paint on the streets, anti-coup and anti-dictatorship red banners were hang, dead body performances were made in Yangon, Kalay, Bagan, Dawei and many other towns. Marching strikes were also still successfully organized in many towns such as Mandalay, Hpakant in Kachin State, Naypyidaw. Some also made traditional Thingyan dessert Mont-Lone-Yay-Paw (glutinous rice balls) with little anti-coup signs or made the dough into three-finger shape. However, very few public celebration is reported in any part of the country as no one with the right mind can celebrate this auspicious occasion.
These days, we keep hearing news about small explosions and fires. Two explosions blasted in Monywa this morning: one near a local teashop and another near Monywa-Mandalay toll gate. According to Mizzima News, a security guard from SAC forces was injured. There were two explosions occurred in Monywa last night as well. As usual, the perpetrator was unknown. Fire broke out in two places in Bago today. Six shophouses inside the compound of famous Shwe Thalyaung pagoda were set on fire around 3am, and it was extinguished around 6am. Later in the afternoon around 2pm, fire started at a motorbike warehouse in a residential area in Bago, destroying four houses. The details of incidents are still unknown.
In other news, CRPH-appointed acting minister Dr Zaw Wai Soe announced today that the committee would collaborate with ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) to occupy some areas where CDM movements were strong to create CRPH’s territories. Maybe junta’s soldiers had heard the news earlier than us. Security was tightened in Yangon’s streets today. Cars on the streets were thoroughly checked, drivers’ licenses were also checked as if they were finding someone/something.
Fightings between the SAC’s military and Kachin Independence Army (KIA) continued in Moemauk Township. Around 5pm this evening, the junta’s military attacked with airstrikes in Moemauk Township. Local residents had to flee to safe places every night due to the continuing clashes. Three villagers were also killed due to the heavy artillery attacks from the junta’s military on April 12. Down south, the terrorist army begins its activities in Karen National Union’s controlled areas these days, hence, the villagers were worried for imminent clashes.
As if the two state-owned TV channels and three newspapers aren’t enough, the State Administration Council (SAC) distributed propaganda leaflets in Yangon. The contents of the pamphlets explained why the seizure of state power by the military was inevitable. From the election frauds to NLD’s plan to sell out the country, these three-fold pamphlets are full of lies. The SAC even drew up a table to differentiate between “coup d’état and controlling the state power temporarily.” Although many of us find this desperate attempt ridiculous, these pamphlets can actually work on the family members of soldiers who are completely disconnected from the outside world.
More than 70 days into the coup, and the coup leaders could not consolidate their powers in the country. We will keep going with our strong spirits and united efforts until we win.