Military government is hard at work pushing out yet another statement to condemn the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on Friday instead of trying to control its lackeys from killing more minors.
Last night, BBC Burmese reported that Min Aung Hlaing’s military council has released a statement of condemnation and objection to the arms embargo resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on Friday. The statement claimed that resolution is “based on one-sided sweeping allegations and false assumptions”, and the terrorist council will not tolerate “any attempt infringing on the state sovereignty and interference in the internal affairs of Myanmar”. While they are busy barking back at the international community for making them respect the will of the Myanmar people, Min Aung Hlaing’s uniformed terrorists continued to prove to the rest of the country and the world precisely why this resolution is so crucial.
A 13-year-old boy was shot in the back in Yangon’s Bahan township last night as he was trying to run from the security forces, and as of today, his family was notified that he had passed away. During a raid last night in Kalay’s Inya Kone ward, a father and a son were shot as they were trying to flee the raid, and two guests from the house were also reportedly shot to death. In another part of Sagaing Region in Kani township, a man was also shot to death by the uniformed terrorist. In Magway Region, three charity workers from Yesagyo town were reportedly murdered by the security forces yesterday in Thanetkone village.
All of these incidents were occurring on the same day that the military council was claiming that the UN resolution was unjust and based on wrong information. These are innocent civilians killed for no apparent crime. It’s been 140 days now. This is the reality that many Myanmar civilians are living with day in and day out since February 1. As of June 19, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) reported that 870 people are confirmed to have been killed by Min Aung Hlaing’s junta.
Apart from killing, the security forces are also known for their extreme and unnecessary torturing of the civilians during raids and also robbing the civilians. It is reported that since June 18, military security forces and members of Pyu Saw Htee militia have been raiding at least four villages in Sagaing Region’s Kani township. Today, reports came out that villagers of Kin Sanpya village in Kani township had been beaten, tortured and robbed. Villagers said the terrorist forces stormed their village with about 40 security forces and 50 Pyu Saw Htee members, beat a woman, elderly and youths who were trying to flee. Two men were also tortured by having their faces sliced during the raids. On top of this, they also looted over 70 lakhs worth of rice and barrels of oil from the market. The same troops clashed with the local People Defence Force in Mingin township today after coming back from Kani township.
In North Okkalapa township in Yangon, the security forces seemed to be lashing out against the residents for celebrating the birthday of the nation’s leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi yesterday with a “Happy Birthday Mother Su” banner at the crossroad. The uniformed terrorists probably tried to figure out who hanged that banner yesterday and failed miserably, so this morning, they reportedly abducted five random civilians nearby. We can go on and on about all of these unjust actions that the military council and its lackeys are committing without respecting the will of Myanmar people.
And what do the people of Myanmar continue to do? Many people still choose to stand against Myanmar military council and its inhumane lackeys by taking to the streets to show the world our true desires and tell the truth about the military council. In Yangon, we continue to see guerilla protests in North Okkalapa, East Dagon, Shwepyitha and Thingangyun townships. Students from Mandalay marched on with their motorcycle rallies. Despite the violence that Sagaing Region is subjected to in recent days, residents of Kalay and Salingyi townships came out ready to brace whatever comes their way. Just as the residents in Kachin State’s Hpakant and Moegaung in the further north marched through their streets in protest against the military coup, the youths of Tanintharyi Region’s Dawei in the further south also continued to join in the nationwide efforts to end the military control in Myanmar.