This morning, KBZPay, the mobile wallet developed by KBZ Bank, froze a number of users’ accounts who had been actively providing donations towards Civic Disobedience Movement (CDM) and People Defense Forces (PDF) according to various posts on Facebook. Users received a notification that their accounts had been temporarily frozen for “inspection from relevant authority” and they should simply wait until further information. This is another predictable yet effective tactic of junta to cut off essential funds towards places in need.
Since the early days, we have heard news that bank accounts of people on warrant list were frozen or locked due to pressure from the military. Such act is unethical and unacceptable yet the banks had no option but to comply; otherwise, they could face consequences. However, our frontliners CDM and especially PDF highly depend on funds and there is little chance this revolution could be won without such support. In that case, everyone including bank employees who is against the undemocratic practices of military regime must grow some courage, risk a little more in order to achieve this collective goal.
On a related note, there has been criticism towards National Unity Government (NUG) for failing to equip PDF adequately and the above incident stress that payment channels operated outside the influence of junta must be implemented as soon as possible in order to facilitate the freedom fighters. In the meantime, Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) today announced that it has passed the first amendment in Gambling Law in order to sell its own lottery tickets (Nway Oo Lottery) to the public, effectively replacing junta’s Aung Bar Lay Lottery which has been overwhelmingly boycotted. This seems like a well-placed move assuming this is a completely online-based format which the CRPH has figured out the technicalities to protect the customers/public, fundings etc.
As junta accelerates efforts to corner the forces by cutting off fundings, imposing lockdowns and restricting communication channels, physical harassment is also largely applied. This morning, three residents of Kayan Tharyar village were abducted by regime’s forces at one of the inspection gates. According to Progressive Karenni People Force (PKPF), the victims were accused of connecting with PDF as their phones were searched. All of them were released this evening but experienced torture during interrogation. PKPF has warned that people should delete photos, videos and messenger apps before they go outside. Junta is trying to instill fear in the general public that every gesture remotely related to defying the regime would result in pain and ultimately death.
The following report from Than Lwin Times concur with the above point. A 29-year-old man called Ko Pyay Thein was arrested during a protest in Yay Township of Mon State on March 22 and had been detained in Kyaikmaraw Central Prison. His family was informed yesterday that Ko Pyay Thein had passed away on August 4 from diabetes which he had never been diagnosed with. People dying during interrogation or inside prison has become common news in the six months and sadly, it does not seem to stop anytime soon. Ko Pyay Thein was one of the 400 people in Kyaitmaraw Prison who had been detained due to protesting against military regime.
Today did not pass without casualties in junta’s camp as well. One of regime’s soldiers who had been spying on Southern Shan State Generations (SSSG), a PDF outpost in Southern Shan State was shot to death today. According to SSSG, the 54-year-old soldier had been flying a drone near its territory before he was spotted and killed. His belongings included a drone and GPS devices, all of which were destroyed. In Kyaikhto Township of Mon State, a clash between Karen National Union (KNU) and junta’s forces took place too. KNU attacked junta’s soldiers who were hiding in a privately owned compound for spying purpose and the shooting caused all eight junta’s soldiers to leave the position and flee.
A number of explosions were reported in Yangon this afternoon. Two successive blasts took place near the ward administration office of Kyimyindaing Township and injured a number of people although the exact figure cannot be verified yet. Another bomb attack occurred inside a traffic police office at the corner of Lanmadaw Township and one more at Mahar Ban Dula Park Street in downtown according to Khit Thit Media. No casualties were reported so far but regime’s forces were seen rushing into the locations and blocking the roads. As they conducted the inspection, many people hoped the culprit(s) had arrived to the safety.
Freedom Memoirs – Day 187
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