Major fighting is imminent and things are intense in Karen State. It was reported that the junta deployed several troops near Karen National Union (KNU) controlled areas last night, and Soe Win, deputy murderer in chief was in Thaton to command offensive attacks. This morning, a local media Salween Press reported that fighting broke out between Border Guard Forces (BGF) and KNU’s Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) in Brigade 5 area near Thai-Myanmar border last night, injuring three BGF members. In another part of Karen State, regime’s forces launched artillery shelling in Kamine Kone village in Kawkareik Township yesterday, causing villagers to flee from their home. This afternoon, Dooplaya District Information Team’s Facebook page announced that three different fronts of the regime and BGF forces approached to Kawkareik Township where Brigade 6 controlled.
In the recent days, the regime has been clashing with six out of seven KNU brigades but not with the Bridge 6. In an exclusive interview with Myanmar Now media, Dooplaya District’s Secretary Padoh Saw Leston said that clashes did not break out in Brigade 6 area usually, but since they had taken in some of the Gen-Zs and striking CDM servants so that must be the reason for the arrival of regime’s troops. Regarding active clashes, KNU’s head of foreign affairs Padoh Saw Taw Nee said that if the junta’s forces entered the KNU controlled areas, the Central Committee had allowed each brigade to defend their areas. This evening around 4pm, fighting broke out for an hour as the fascist regime entered the restricted area of KNU near An Pha Lay village in Kawkareik township. As of writing this, the regime deployed reinforcement troops to Kwin Kalay village in the same township. We pray for the safety of KNU soldiers and local civilians tonight.
As we reported previously, the SAC’s military has opened several warfronts in the country. This morning around 6am, the combined force of Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) and Karenni Army (KnA) launched an attack at the regime’s troops in Loikaw township. The shootout took place for 30 minutes, killed seven and injured at least 10 SAC soldiers according to KNDF. In Tamu township of Sagaing Region, Tamu Security Group (TSG) attacked a police outpost, killing seven and injuring eight SAC soldiers.
The saga of arbitrary arrests continued. Yesterday around 4pm in Mayangone township, Thamine neighbourhood, the regime’s forces raided a house where a resistance fighter stayed. The resistance fighter managed to escape but he was shot in the process. The injured fighter is now in a safe condition according to Mizzima News. Netizens reported that raids and arrests also took place in Sanchaung last night, but the details are yet to be confirmed. A list of people who supported the PDFs were also widely shared on our social media last night so that the designated persons could hide or move. NLD’s MP-elect for Mingalardon township Daw Khin Myat Thu was arrested by the junta’s forces on August 23 as confirmed by Mingalardon NLD members. This evening, junta’s soldiers opened fire and arrested four young people in Thaketa township, Yangon. According to Khit Thit media, one was shot and severely injured.
In rural areas, the regime soldiers and military-sponsored Pyu Saw Htee groups joined forces to terrorise small towns and villages. In Thin Taw village in Mingin township, Sagaing Region, about 100 members of Pyu Saw Htee and soldiers raided and took valuables and tractors from the village on August 23. The thug group also destroyed plantations and crops according to a local villager who fled from the village. In Ywa Thagyi village, Wat Lat township of the same region, the SAC soldiers raided the house of Sagaing Region Farmers’ Union Chair U Tint Lwin last night. When they could not find U Tint Lwin, the fascist soldiers confiscated cars, rice bags, oil, and grains from the house.
Desperate time calls for desperate measures, and apparently, the military regime is the desperate one. Today in Yangon, lamp post announcements which read, “PDFs, surrender or you’ll be destroyed” were seen in some townships according to Mizzima News report. In addition to lamp posts, the desperate SAC attempted to propagandise in old fashion by announcing with loudspeakers in neighbourhoods that NUG and PDFs were terrorist groups and that civilians were not allowed to associate or cooperate with them. The announcements were made in some townships in Yangon Region, Bago Region and Shan State. In the meeting of State Administration Council yesterday, the SAC members discussed to reward informants who provide intel of NUG, CRPH, and their support groups.
Despite the SAC’s desperate attempts, the people of Myanmar continued to show defiance against the military regime. Today, protests were observed in several townships in Sagaing and Magway Regions, women’s march in Mandalay city, and marching strikes in Monywa in Mandalay Region, Launglon township in Taninthayi Region. Our elected government National Unity Government (NUG) also held a press conference this evening, updating about its progress and initiatives such as Radio NUG, Nway Oo Lottery, National Health Committee. From politicians, technicians, experts to civilians, everyone is doing his/her part in this revolution with strong determination to win.