Following up the situations in Karen State, the regime’s fighter jet flew over Papun District near KNU’s Brigade 5 area this morning, which unsettled local villagers in fear of potential airstrikes. According to Salween Press, junta’s forces used both infantry and air forces to enquire locations of PDFs, Gen-Z youths, and National Unity Government (NUG) members. In KNU Brigade 6 and 7 areas, the regime’s forces flew drones to locate the resistance fighters who were known to take refuge in KNU controlled areas. Having suffered airstrikes previously , local villagers quickly hid inside bomb shelters even though the fighter jets did not launch attacks.
Today marks fourth anniversary of Rohingya genocide committed by the regime’s military in the name of “clearance operation.” For the first time in four years, Myanmar people apologised for the ignorance of genocide taking place in their land. NUG issued a statement which vowed to “seek justice and accountability for all crimes committed by the military against the Rohingya and all other people of Myanmar”. Similarly, 43 Myanmar civil society organisations issued a joint statement echoed to end the impunity of Myanmar military. Online events to remember the Rohingya Genocide were held, and local activists also called the NUG to recognised August 25 as National Apology Day.
State-sponsored terrorism continued in various parts of the country. Last night in Khayan township of Yangon, a man was arrested and beaten to death by the regime’s forces for the crime of riding a motorcycle around 10pm. His family was contacted that Ko Min Aung died of motorcycle accident and asked to collect the body. In Than Tlang township of Chin State, heavy artillery shelling were heard this afternoon, and later a 10-year-old child from a house died according to initial report of Khit Thit media. In Ayataw township, Sagaing Region, junta’s soldiers raided Kyway Pagan village since 3am, detained at least 100 villagers, confiscated mobile phones and belongings, and houses were also destroyed. In Sagaing Region, Kawlin township, thousands of villagers from Phale village fled from their homes as the regime’s soldiers entered the village and shot indiscriminately. Local villager told DVB News that regime’s forces continued to occupy the village as of today.
The regime’s arbitrary arrests know no bound. Today, the wife and son of U Naing Ngan Lin, Minister for Social Affairs of Yangon Region, were arrested while they were visiting her husband in the prison. Location of Daw Khin Sandar Win and her son San Ngan Lin is unknown yet according to Mizzima News report. U Naing Ngan Lin has been arrested since the day of coup, and is infected with Covid-19 while in the detention. Again in Mattaya township of Mandalay Region, the regime’s forces raided the house of regional parliamentarian U Min Min this morning. When the MP was not at home, they took his father to Mattaya police station instead. These days, we frequently hear the news of NLD parliamentarians being arrested.
Today, Karenni State Consultative Council announced that Karenni Police Force was formed with 320 policemen who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement. The newly formed Karenni Police Force aimed to protect local Karenni people. Gantgaw PDF in Sagaing Region announced today that soldiers who joined CDM with their weapons would be rewarded with MMK 5,000,000 and their safety ensured.
Although Min Aung Hlaing and gang tried their best to crack down protesters with arrests, raids and tortures, people of Myanmar continued to strike against the military regime. Protests were observed in several townships of Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Mandalay Region, Taninthayi Region. More than 200 days of coup, the resilience and commitment of our people is remarkable, and we will win the revolution, it’s only a matter of time.