Inhuman acts of junta’s lackeys have resulted in innocent lives’ losses every day. Today, we learn a sad news of 19-year-old Mg San Win Aung who was brutally murdered by regime’s soldiers yesterday. Mg San Win Aung, an active member of local social welfare group, was abducted on August 22 with ungrounded charges in relation to an explosion set off in South Okkalapa ward administration office the same day. According to his neighbors, regime soldiers had planned to murder him since the beginning. They said Mg San Win Aung was beaten severely during interrogation and allowed to see his mother on August 23 to say goodbye. He was not even able to walk properly, having experienced just a day of notorious interrogation.
As if murdering a young innocent man was not bad enough, regime’s soldiers informed the family of his death and asked them to bring 1 million MMK to collect the dead body as reported by Khit Thit Media. In most parts of the world, a story like this would bring ultimate shame to “authorities” and receive endless media coverage until responsible persons are brought in front of a court; however, people of Myanmar have experienced similar incidents almost every day in their own land without even seeing a glimpse of justice.
Kalay’s general strike marking the 200th day of marching down the streets was met with violent crackdown this morning around 8 am. Over 70 junta’s soldiers and police cornered the rally, abducting at least 12 protesters; eight of them were women. Onlookers were also arrested and five motorbikes were seized according to witnesses. In Kalay, over 100 people have been detained and at least 40 people have been killed since the early February for rejecting the coup.
A pregnant woman was abducted this evening following a quarrel with a ward administrator in Hmawbi Township, Yangon. Ma Myo Myint Win was eight months into pregnancy and visiting the administration office to provide guest list. Apparently, she made a remark that she was a supporter of State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi which may have ignited the fight. Eight junta’s soldiers arrived to take her away and the family do not know her whereabouts yet.
A junta’s policeman called Sithu Nyein who pretended to join Civic Disobedience Movement (CDM) to spy on people defense forces (PDF) have been compromised and arrested by Yinmabin PDF in Sagaing Region. The policeman was serving at No.2 Police Station of Monywa and he was inspecting PDF for the explosion of a tollgate took place on August 23. Fortunately, the man was found out before long but the incident will certainly put more doubts in people towards junta’s soldiers and police who may switch to the people’s side in the future.
Two consecutive explosions took place at a military member’s family owned store in Taung Twin Gyi Township of Magwe Region early this morning around 4 am. Beikthanoe People Defense Army claimed responsibility of the attack and said the store owners were major Dalans/military informers. In the same region, another ward administrator was attacked on August 24. According to DVB news, Aung Soe, administrator/military informer in Chauk Township was shot three times yet survived.
Two members of Chinland Defense Force (CDF) were killed during the yesterday’s battle against junta’s forces near Palatehtwei Village in the town of Mindat, Chin State. One passed away with a bullet wound in the stomach, another one was initially regarded as missing and his dead body with a bullet wound was found this afternoon. In more battle news, KNLA has occupied an outpost of regime forces near Notakaw Township this morning around 10 am. Border Guard Force (BGF) were deployed in that outpost and they simply withdrawn their forces without response to KNLA’s offensives.
Less than a month into UN’s general assembly, Korea Government have responded to the petition calling for recognition of National Unity Government (NUG) signed by 268,428 people saying that they have consistently stood together with the general public of Myanmar by urging the military council to stop the violence, demanding the release of political detainees and issuing special permits for Myanmar citizens living in Korea. The response also mentioned that Korean government will continue communicating with NUG to restore stability and democracy in Myanmar. This may just be another statement but it’s nice to know there are good people on our side.
As latest news of today, we hear that junta has been targeting Myanmar-based journalists and already started to abduct those who have communicated with NUG for news purposes.