Last night around 10pm in Loikaw, a shootout took place at the city hall when people defense force (PDF) attacked junta’s security forces deployed at the location. Exchange of bullet firings were on and off until late into the night. Only the heavy rain interrupted the clash which claimed casualties on both sides although there has been no verified report on the exact number so far. Residents claimed artilleries were used and it was the first offense in Loikaw town in a while since junta has deployed reinforcement in the area including air force, causing civilians flee into the forests.
A pregnant lady in Paung Township of Mon State was shot dead by junta’s soldiers last night around 10:40pm. The incident took place when Ma Ei Thwe Moe, mother of a four years old kid, was welcoming her husband Ko Min Nay Lwin who came home from fishing. In front of their own house, the couple were shot by junta’s forces at least ten times without any apparent reason (one could argue both of them were out after curfew but it’s just outside their house). The man slaughtering killed Ma Ei Thwe Moe on the spot and severely injured Ko Min Nay Lwin who is still fighting for his life at the hospital.
In the same township of Paung, regime’s soldiers raided and set Won Chone Village on fire today around noon. They have been deployed at the local monastery since four days ago and today they were seen stealing civilians’ properties and shipping stolen goods back and forth as they committed arson. In the neighboring Karen State, Mytel’s cell tower was burned down and destroyed this morning. As a result, junta’s soldiers abducted four villagers who happened to be near the incident area when they arrived for investigation. It’s a common strategy of junta where its soldiers abduct innocent civilians and torture them until they confess a crime that they had nothing to do with.
Following up on more junta’s atrocities, seven civilians including three teachers were abducted in the township of Lashio, Shan State on August 31. The group made up of six men and one woman were residing at a house 10 miles from Lashio when they were raided and snatched under suspicions of being PDF. Reports came in from Kachin State that joint forces of junta’s soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members were arresting civilians in Mohnyin Township. Soldiers were seen forcing everyone on the jail truck pointed out by Pyu Saw Htee members and those detained were neither NLD members nor prominent activists according to locals.
Today’s entry is not all gloomy thanks to the following news. Tin Maung Win, a member of administrative council from Hlaingthaya, was shot and killed around 8am in the morning in Shwelinpan Industrial Zone. Shortly after that, two bombs exploded by the incident scene and killed a junta’s lackey who arrived for investigation. Tin Maung Win was known as a military informer and responsible for many unjust abductions in the neighborhood. Another junta-appointed administrative member called Aung Soe Min also suffered a similar fate yesterday evening in Myothit Township of Magwe Region when he was shot 15 times by unknown gunmen on motorbike. Local based Beikthanoe PDF have claimed responsibility and cited the gone man’s unjust treatment towards the civilians including blackmailing, oppression as the reasons of his death.
Junta’s propaganda newspaper recently announced the extension of deadline for new member applications to join Defense Service Academy (DSA), Defense Science and Technology Agency, Defense Services Medial Academy. It was speculated that the new members joining the military have not been up to quota. In contrary, a militia training in Bago region was arranged, intended for “civilians” and a lucky draw system had to be arranged because apparently too many people enrolled for the course. Locals argued that most of those who have registered are Dalans/military informers. People who pass the 10-day training will be sent to the frontline; said a source close the military according to Mizzima news.
In the meantime, Kachin National Union (KNU) Brigadier General Mahn Sha Tu Gaw addressed during the closing ceremony of a basic military training today that everyone in the country must participate to end the dictatorship and to build a true federal state. Also, KNU Concerned Group released a statement today that the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) is considered null and void and that the group shares common visions and missions with CRPH/NUG and it will support them in administrative, defense, politics and diplomatic fronts.