Six months ago today, a 19-year-old Ma Kyal Sin was shot in the head in a protest during the early days of regime’s bloodbath. Today, protesters from Mandalay came out with three different rallies, wearing t-shirts which read “Everything will be okay” as worn by Kyal Sin on the day she died in remembrance of her. In Yangon, a guerrilla protest was staged by General Strike Committee, and protesters chanted that the blood was not cold yet for the fallen heroes of 44th street incident and detained comrades. In Taninthayi Region, Launglon township, Rose-colored Women’s strike took to the streets even in the rain, and reminded that women played a vital role in this revolution. In Natmauk township of Magway Region, local farmers held up three-finger-salute to show defiance against the military regime while at work. These are a few remarkable protests we observed today, and more were staged all over the country. Seven months since the coup, and the revolution spirit is still ignited.
Although the public showed non-violent defiance in various creative ways, the military regime only knew violence and scare tactics. About 50,000 villagers from 19 different villages in Pale township, Sagaing Region, fled from their homes this morning since they heard that the regime’s soldiers would raid their villages. As of this evening, 4 out of 19 villages were raided by the junta military according to Khit Thit media. In Taninthayi Region, Dawei township, about 80 junta soldiers raided Ah Nya Phya village, which was in KNU Brigade 4 area, this morning to find people defense force (PDF) members and civil servants who joined civil disobedient movement (CDM). The raid caused local villagers fleeing from their homes. In Bago Region, Kyauk Takha township, regime soldiers entered and searched for weapons but they did not find one. The raid caused youth and men fleeing and hiding to avoid arrest.
Regime’s forces frequently raid villages in search for PDFs because not a single day has passed without them being attacked by resistance forces. Around 4.15am this morning, four military trucks in Taze township, Sagaing Region were detonated on the way according to Khit Thit media. Details were yet to be confirmed but a local said that one truck was damaged. In Yangon’s Mingalar Taung Nyunt township, two bombs blasted near military owned fish sauce factory around 4.30am this morning, causing damage to a military truck nearby. Mogok town of Mandalay Region also saw two bomb blasts today: one explosion took place inside township electricity office compound around 9am and another near township municipal office around 2pm.
Although the regime has announced to reward dalan/military informants, it cannot provide safety to dalans who work from its interest. Yesterday, a dalan from Myaung township, Sagaing Region was killed by a local resistance group. A member of the local resistance group said that the deceased dalan was a Pyu Saw Htee member, and had been recruiting and arming local young men while also served as an informant to the regime’s troops. In Yangon, a ward administrator/dalan from Hlaing township, who was responsible for arrests of several youths, was also shot dead by local PDF group yesterday evening.
Today, we witnessed the second bank robbery of the week. In Kyaukme township of Northern Shan State, three men entered KBZ Bank at town center around 2pm, and staged the robbery. The amount of money robbed was yet to be confirmed according to DVB News. In addition to the regime’s atrocities, active armed conflicts and crimes have not been very kind to the people of Northern Shan State.
Speaking of armed conflicts, the military regime continues to fight with different ethnic armed groups despite frequent defeat. In Karen State, the regime and Karen National Union (KNU)’s Brigade 1 clashed in Hpa-an township around 6am this morning. The clash at the west of Thanlwin river killed three and injured five from the regime side according to Doothahtu District information team. Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) announced today that the regime’s forces launched offensive operations and artillery shelling since September 1, and at least 10 soldiers from the regime side were injured in the clashes. Today, the regime had reinforced more troops, so KNDF and Phekon PDF continued to defend intense attacks. As if they were not defeated enough, the regime sent troops near Kyon Laung village in Ye township, Mon State, where New Mon State Party (NMSP) controlled, this morning. Locals worried for imminent clashes in the area.
From peaceful mass rallies to armed resistance, Myanmar’s Spring Revolution has come very far. Long journey ahead to abolish the 60-year-old fascist military, so we must continue to be steady and strong. If you need a break, take it, then come back stronger for the revolution.