This morning, Foreign Policy reported that the United States and China, two big powerhouses, agreed to keep Myanmar’s Permanent Representative U Kyaw Moe Tun in his position until November when the Credential Committee makes a decision, but the deal also refrained U Kyaw Moe Tun from speaking at the UN General Assembly. This did not come as a surprise to Myanmar people because many participants, from several online forums including our Vox pop in the September magazine, predicted that the UN would not be bold enough to recognise civilian elected National Unity Government (NUG) straight away. Nevertheless, the State Administration Council (SAC) not winning the seat means the people side is not losing.
Yesterday in Bago Region, multiple news outlets reported that a car that transferred money from Ayeyarwady Bank was robbed by seven men who were dressed as police and traffic police, and about four billion kyats were taken. Today, the SAC announced that the robbers from this incident were arrested within nine hours, and money robbed were also found with them. In the announcement, the SAC said it arrested three men and four women, who were members of people defense force (PDF) according to the regime, and two nuns who helped hiding weapons for PDF members were also arrested. People who know the track record of Myanmar Police Force know how bad they are at their job, and the SAC highlighting that it could arrest the robbers in short amount of time as a triumph only sound fishier.
The sounds of gunfires started early in Karenni (Kayah) State today. Local media Kantarawaddy Times reported that around 5am this morning, the combined forces of Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) and Karenni Army (KnA) clashed against the regime’s forces in Hpruso township. In the four hour long battle, the regime forces used artillery shelling which caused villagers from nearby areas fleeing to a safe place. KNDF reported that two fighters from their side died in the battle: one had been a school teacher before taking up arms, and the other was a Grade 9 student. May they rest in power.
This afternoon, Karen National Union (KNU)’s department of information reported that the combined forces of the regime military and Border Guard Forces (BGF) launched heavy artillery attacks and carried out indiscriminate shootings in Bili township, Thaton district. The regime’s forces also forcibly used three private cars to transport their food supplies from different outposts according to the KNU.
In Kachin State, Kachin News Group reported today that the regime forces stationed in Tayon village called a meeting with village elders on September 11, and forced them to request Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and PDFs to not attack the regime’s troops. The regime forces also threatened the village elders that if the resistance fighters launched attacks, they would burn down the entire village including people’s houses. Fearing the junta forces, village elders and interfaith leaders sent an appeal to KIA and PDF to pause the attacks at the junta’s troops on September 12.
While clashes broke out in ethnic areas, big cities also saw explosions everyday. In Yangon, multiple bomb blasts were reported today according to Khit Thit media. In Kyimyindaing township, a bomb blasted near ward administration around 6am this morning with no injury reported. Around noon, another blast took place near Dawbon shipyard and a man was reportedly injured. Around 4pm, six consecutive bombs were blasted in Hlaing Tharyar township, mostly near the places where junta forces stationed. The casualties were yet to be confirmed. In Magway city, a bomb blasted in front of military proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) this morning around 8am, and a child nearby was reportedly killed. Later today, PDFs based in Magway Region announced that the blast was not their doing and they would never carry out attacks that could harm civilians.
This afternoon, news came from Central Myanmar that internet were shut down in several townships in three regions. According to Khit Thit media, internet shutdown was imposed in Kani, Yinmabin, Budalin, Ayardaw, Wat Lat and Pale townships in Sagaing Region, Mogok and Myingyan townships in Mandalay Region, and Taungdwingyi township in Magway Region. Since the beginning of the coup, residents from these townships rejected the regime in massive rallies and when our revolution took a turn into armed resistance, brave fighters from these areas, especially from Sagaing Region, clashed with the regime continuously. Many civilians are also on the run because the regime’s forces raid their villages, arrest and torture innocent villagers in these areas. Today’s internet shutdown can only mean that junta’s forces are gearing up to commit more massacres. We will keep our people from these regions in our prayers tonight.
Eight months into the failed coup, anti-military protests were still observed all over the country. Marching rallies in Monywa, Taze, Sarlingyi townships in Sagaing Region, Three pagodas township in Karen State, Launglon township in Taninthayi State, guerrilla protests in Yangon and several marching strikes in Mandalay city were observed today. In Mandalay, young protesters staged a guerrilla protest inside Mingalar Mandalay shopping mall today. A protester told BBC Burmese that protesting inside the mall was more dangerous for them to disperse but they did it to get more cooperation from the public. A few salespersons joined the protest, and some onlookers raised three fingers and clapped to show support, said the protester. Thanks to the brave protesters, the revolution spirit keeps on igniting among the people of Myanmar.