National Unity Government (NUG)’s Ministry of Human Rights announced today that the ministry has submitted the report on human rights violations by military soldiers in Magway and Sagaing regions since July to the UN Human Rights. The statement said the report contained arbitrary arrests, tortured deaths and massacres that happened between July and September during offensive clearance operations carried out by Min Aung Hlaing’s followers in two regions.
While NUG is trying to reach out to the international community to pay attention to atrocities committed by Myanmar military, residents of Sagaing and Magway regions continue to be subjected to arbitrary arrests, lethal crackdowns and many effects of the intensifying clashes in the region. A 50-year-old U Kyaw Kyaw was tortured to death during interrogation on September 18 in Magway Region’s Taungdwingyi Township. In Sagaing Region’s Mingin Township, military troops and local PDF clashed for an hour near Phat Khat village this morning, causing residents of 70-household in the village to flee in search for safe havens. Villagers of Ayadaw Township are also under extreme stress as the regime forces threatened for the second time in recent weeks to seize the village and evict the villagers if they continue to partake in revolutionary activities or support the PDFs. At least 15 villages in Sagaing’s Ayadaw were threatened on September 14 and eight villages were warned again this weekend, DVB News reported.
In the aftermath of violence by the soldiers in Chin State’s Thantlang Township, Chin Baptist Convention released a statement today that the pastor, who was shot to death yesterday while trying to put out fires, was also robbed by Min Aung Hlaing’s soldiers. After shooting Thantlang Centenary Baptist Church (TCBC)’s pastor, Cung Biak Hum, the soldiers also cut off his finger to steal the wedding ring, and took the victim’s watch and mobile phone as well. Stealing from the dead… no surprise there. In another part of Chin State in Hakha town, the regime forces were reported to be arbitrarily shelling heavy machinery in the residential area around 8pm last night, causing some houses to catch fires and at least 3-5 civilians injured.
Today marks the 33rd anniversary of the day 16-year-old student activist Ma Win Maw Oo was shot and killed by military soldiers during the 8888 Uprising in downtown Yangon. Student unions and protesters in Yangon’s Insein Township and Sagaing Region’s Wetlet Township came out to stage protest rallies to honor her courage and spirit. Monks unions from Mandalay; protesters from Sagaing Region’s Shwebo Township, and youths from Yangon’s Tamwe Township took to the street to show their disdain to be enslaved by the fascist army. In Tanintharyi Region’s Launglon Township, a march rally was cracked down by regime forces in plain clothed and ordinary cars this morning in Inn Zaut village. No one was arrested or injured, but about 20 motorcycles were confiscated. On the opposite side of the country in the northernmost, youths from Kachin State’s Myitkyina hanged up a poster with a message for the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing currently visiting Kachin State, “Aren’t you ashamed to be here sucking up to the Kachins? Get out of our Kachin land. There is no negotiation for the bloody mess you have caused before.”
Speaking of the coup leader, he addressed his lackeys and families stationed in Kachin State yesterday morning at Bala Min Htin hall in Myitkyina’s regional military headquarter. During his speech, he had the audacity to say that the country did not make much progress in the political, economic and social landscape of the country under the National League for Democracy (NLD) government. He continued to say that consequently, that had led the public to boycott the 2020 general election by launching a “No Vote” campaign because people were unsatisfied with the NLD government. The coup leader definitely lives in an alternate universe or he is so far out of touch with reality that he only believes the lies fed by his lackeys who are distorting his reality. How does he still not know that millions of Myanmar people loathe him?
In arbitrary arrests news, residents of Ayeyarwady Region’s Maubin town said that people are being abducted by regime lackeys who reportedly have been grabbing their target while hiding in between houses and warehouses during night time. Residents said they are grabbing almost every night, and two residents were abducted on the night of September 18. In Sagaing Region’s Homalin Township, a former NLD executive U Aung Tun, who had resigned from his position way before the general election in November 2020, was arrested by regime soldiers early this morning today. Nobody knew why he was grabbed.
In Monywa, three civilians, a flower vendor couple and a well-known fermented fruits vendor Ma Tin Tin Aye, were abducted by plain-clothed regime soldiers on the evening of September 18. Ma Tin Tin Aye is a well-loved street vendor who graciously shared her fruits with the protesters in the early days of protest back in February. She was previously arrested on February 27 during a protest crackdown. It looks like Min Aung Hlaing’s followers are also losing their minds like the coup leader that they feel so threatened by a couple of street vendors.