Last night around 8pm, a fight broke out between two people at a snooker table in Mayangone Township, Yangon. Local administration office brought in junta’s troops and by that time they arrived, one of the participants had already left. Junta’s soldiers followed his motorbike and shot him twice to death on the spot, after having accused him of carrying a knife. The victim was only 26 years old. Turns out the other person who was in the fight used to be a junta’s servant and he was not harmed at all. Locals said that the family of the victim was asked to sign a settlement letter and bring 300,000 MMK to collect the dead body according to Mizzima.
A coalition of Civil Guerrilla Force Hlaing Tharyar (CGF) and Myanmar Defense Force (MDF Yangon) announced this morning that their forces had attacked regime’s soldiers deployed at a traffic police post in Hlaing Tharyar Township, Yangon yesterday afternoon, killing two and injuring at least three. More junta’s troops arrived at the scene shortly but they were also ambushed and four more were injured while the resistance forces retreated safely according to MDF’s statement. Following the incident, regime’s lackeys had used excessive force during their midnight guest-list inspection in the same ward No.6 of Hlaing Tharyar last night. Consequently, some of the resistance fighters were abducted last night and the trainees list of People Defense Force (PDF) was also seized according to a social media post which urged everyone related to PDF in Insein, Shwepyitha, North Oakkalapa and Hlaing Tharyar townships to move from their current positions.
We reported previously that a car carrying five passengers towards Thanglang Township, Chin State was attacked by junta’s soldiers in which one of them was killed instantly on September 29. Myanmar Now’s story from yesterday described that actually two people were killed and three were injured. All of the passengers had been reportedly fleeing war in a village 7 miles away from Thanglang and the reason of the travel was to discuss the situation of internally displaced people (IDP) in Hakha Town. Apparently, they had also informed the military about their trip but they were welcomed with bullets and shelling from those who thought everyone not wearing a military uniform was an enemy. Sadly, the people who just wanted a dialogue for the better situation of the IDPs were killed by the same violence they wanted to avoid.
Yaw Defense Force YDF (Saw & Kyaukhtu) and CAF-MGPDF members joined forces yesterday and detonated a bomb attack on junta’s convoy on Saw-Kyaukhtu road which saw at least four deaths including that of Major Phone Myit Kyaw, said the statement released by YDF. It also warned residents to avoid the road as junta had been carrying out offensive in the area with internet cut off. A similar report came in from Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Region that an automobile carrying a township level chief police was detonated yesterday evening. Junta’s lackeys spread the news that nobody was injured in that incident; however, eyewitnesses told Khit Thit media that there was so much blood at the scene and many must have been harmed.
A tragic news came from the same township that a resistance fighter named Ko Yar Zar Htun had passed away at the interrogation center on the night of September 30, his family was informed yesterday. A close family friend told DVB that Ko Yar Zar and 22 fellow fighters were abducted about a week ago, all of whom had been going through extreme torture and beating at the notorious holocaust alike centers. Ko Yar Zar was blindfolded while his legs were tied and got beaten until his teeth fell off according to the same source reported by DVB. Two people including Ko Yar Zar had been killed during interrogation and six others had passed away with tortured wounds at the hospital in Dawei so far.
In Demoso Township, Karenni State, a civilian stepped on a landmine set up by junta’s forces this morning and suffered the loss of a lower leg beneath the ankle. The victim namely Ma Htay Htay Win was visiting a friend’s house and unfortunately a landmine that was placed near the civilians’ neighborhoods exploded. Her house was also recently set on fire by junta’s soldiers randomly during one of their regular raids. One of the resistance soldiers called Mg Hla from Karenni Nationality Defense Force was also killed during landmine clearance operation yesterday. In the same township, a junta’s sergeant has been captured alive by resistance forces today and transferred to Karenni State Police (KSP). KSP has been quite active and conducting the policing work including investigation suspicious military informers/Dalans, etc. Karreni State is the only region with the people’s police department so far.
This afternoon around 1:30pm, a monks’ protest rally in Mandalay was cracked down violently as junta’s forces in a private car rammed into them. A monk was shot and five were abducted while another monk may have suffered leg injury due to the car attack. Despite this, a night protest was staged in Pyigyitakhon Township this evening led by a monk in Mandalay. Similar demonstrations were witnessed in Dawei of Tanintharyi, Taze, Letpadaung, Monywa of Sagaing, Myaing of Magway, Yangon, to name a few.