We have previously reported that the junta military has sent more troops and military convoys to Chin State with the intention to wipe out local PDFs and civilians, and the battle has been ongoing for the past few days. Though the junta’s army has not been very much successful in the fight against Chinland Defense Force (CDF), they are exceptionally good in arresting and murdering unarmed civilians. Such incidents happen to two Chin ethnic civilians on October 11 when they travelled to Falam from Kalay city. Two days after the arrest, the dead bodies of a 29-year-old Pa Thawng Lun Mang and a 34-year-old Salai Thawng Nei Mawi were found on the roadside. Needless to say, the crime is committed by the regime’s army in their usual way of arresting people and dumping the victim’s corpse the next day.
On the night of October 11, a bomb exploded near Hmawbi old cinema bus stop, Yangon. After the explosion, State Administration Council’s (SAC) appointed ward administrator Thein Win, along with 30 Pyu Saw Htees, forcefully stopped the car passing by, and beat two people on board. Shortly after, soldiers arrive at the scene and shot Ko Kyaw Phyo Wai, one of the passengers, to death. Another victim U Aung Moe was detained. The regime’s army has already raided his house, and stole valuable items from there. Locals in Hmawbi township told Khit Thit Media that U Aung Moe and Ko Kyaw Phyo Wai were only civilians, not People Defense Force (PDF) members. Yesterday in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region, the regime’s soldiers raided Nga Myaung Taung village with the excuse of searching for local defense forces. During the raid, they burned down 10 huts from the village and stole 2 cars from the monastery, Mizzima reported.
According to a statement released by Shan Human Rights on October 12, SAC and Ngwe Yee Pearl company has been seizing local’s lands for mining purposes in Tantyan township, northern Shan State. SAC and its partner are planning to expand their mining zones for over 850 acres, and the locals are strongly against it due to the concerns of environmental impact. As locals refuse to sign on the agreement paper to give up their lands, Ngwe Yee Pearl company forged signatures to further proceed with the mining. Locals have also submitted a complaint letter to local political parties SNLD, SSPP/SSA and Mine-ha local defense force (LDF). However, Mine-ha threatened them not to make any oppositions against SAC. Since the coup has happened in February, rule of law is no longer existing in Myanmar, and in order for these lawful citizens to gain their rights, it is essential that Min Aung Hlaing’s army be dethroned, and democracy is in dire need for Myanmar people.
A labor force activist Ko Tun Naing told DVB that four garment factory workers from Hlaing Tharyar Township, Yangon such as Ko Ye Tun Tauk, Ko Khin Mg Zaw, Ma Kyi Pyar Win and Ma Khin Cho Oo were charged under treason, terrorism, and communicating with illegal organizations and sentenced to life-term imprisonment on October 6. Some of them contributed as volunteers during Covid-19 third wave and denied the rights to be accompanied by the lawyer. Two female victims Ma Kyi Pyar Win and Ma Khin Cho Oo are mothers of 12-year-old son, 6-year-old and 10-month-old sons respectively. Ma Nilar Win, a sister of one Ma Kyi Pyar Win said that the punishments were too harsh, and she did not even know what to do as she was left with her nephews and running short of money.
Countering some of distressing news across Myanmar today, some lights came in from Khayan Township, Yangon where Khayan people’s administration group is temporarily formed. After PDF Khayan warned SAC’s appointed ward administrators to resign from their positions on October 3, 65 of them have already quitted from their positions, and the administration in Khayan township is completely halted. Thus, to fill the void of ward administrator positions, Khayan people’s administration group has announced that the team has been formed with CDM staffs, activists, and defense forces.
In Htee Lin Township, Magway, about 30 Pyu Saw Htee members, who were initially SAC’s lackeys, switched to YDF-Htee Lin’s side together with improvised firearms. YDF-Htee lin spokesperson told Khit Thit Media that these 30 members are mostly from Zee Taw Village and have given up their 25 hand-made guns to YDF. They have also pledged allegiance to YDF in fighting against the military coup together with the civilians. As the revolution against the junta has escalated, the news of regime’s forces deserting their army bases are becoming more frequent recently.
On international front, U Kyaw Moe Tun urged the international stakeholders to stop embargo trade to Myanmar military during UN General Assembly meeting. During his speech, he requested on behalf of Myanmar citizens to immediately stop selling weapons to Myanmar military as they have been committing terrorism acts towards its own citizens with the weapons imported from foreign countries. Moreover, ASEAN has also reportedly arranged an informal meeting to discuss omitting Myanmar junta chief from attending upcoming ASEAN summit. Though ASEAN has initially invited Min Aung Hlaing to attend the previous regional meetings, they are disappointed with the regime’s inaction to fulfill the five-point consensus. An online meeting will be held tomorrow among foreign ministers from Southeast Asian countries on the topic. If ASEAN finally decides not to invite the junta to the summit, this could be a huge setback for Min Aung Hlaing in his attempt to showboat internationally among his supporters as the legitimate government.
News emerges from Tanintharyi region that U.S. embassy has warned his citizens to quickly evacuate from Dawei, Laung Long and Tayetchaung townships. The notice comes three days after SAC’s administration announced that they will not guarantee the safety of foreigners in these three townships. Meanwhile, the U.S. embassy has assigned the highest level-4 in terms of safety concerns to travel to Myanmar, and advised the citizens to leave from the country as early as possible.