130The regime forces and lackeys continue to be targeted by different people defense forces and guerilla forces. After “We Stand with the Army” campaign led by pro-military groups in Meikhtila, there were two bombs exploded in front of the police station which led to the deaths of two policemen with three injured. A witness told the media that the soldiers and police responded in panic firing random shots and everything went very chaotic. Zero Army Brigade 1 today made an announcement to warn citizens to stay inside unless there is an emergency and to stay silent if they witness anything to help the urban guerilla forces. Zero Army later announced that nine SAC members have died from their attacks. In Thahton, Mon State, a private vehicle was targeted by Thahton guerilla force and people soldiers operating under the Karen National Union Brigade-1. A commander and his wife died on the spot. The forces took a pistol from the commander.
Last night in Pakkoku township, Magway, four real bombs exploded at the junction of the town when the soldiers came to inspect the fake one. One member died from the blast. Yangon’s South-Dagon township had an explosion this morning at the municipal office led by F2Y, Free from Fear youth force took responsibility for the blast. In Hlaing township, two bombs blasted consecutively at the township administrator’s office with no casualties reported. in North-Okkala township, home of a military informant was reported to have a bomb blast this morning with no casualties besides damage to the vehicle. In Sagaing’s Kanbalu town, today at 10am, a patrolling military truck was dynamited by Kanbalu Eagle force although the number of casualties is yet to be confirmed, the group said.
In Mandalay, SAC appointed ward administrator Myint Naing was killed after being shot by an unknown group of people. In Bago, Pyi district’s Paung Tay town, secretary of USDP, Myo Min Zaw was shot. The group named, the Jungle Cobra, took responsibility of assassination of Win Myint who is a member of pro-military thug group, Pyu Saw Htee. Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) today detonated a mine to the military truck coming back from Kyaikkhto township that led to at least 20 solders death in Mon State. Again, in Thahton, Karen National Union (KNU) and the junta’s forces exchanged shots five times which led to 14 soldiers dead from the junta while injuring nine altogether. Many other assassinations and attacks took place in Sagaing, Magway, Yangon, and Shan State. In Ayeyawaddy Region, a member of urban guerrilla force (Pathein), Comrade Maung Kyaw, died after throwing a bomb to the military truck. He was shot while on the motorbike after bomb blasted.
Meanwhile, the clashes continue to escalate in Karenni State and Kachin State. The military continues to target places of worship in Karenni State where the catholic church was fired heavy artillery today in Dawmyalay district of Demawso town. The clashes between the local armed groups and the junta’s forces have escalated since 5pm today where excessive force is being used against the civilians by the junta. The junta’s forces also came to Kachin Independence Army’s Brigade-2 in Tanaing township. KIA detonated a mine on the military trucks around 11 am today and both forces exchanged shots. The chairman of Kachin Independence Organization (KI0), N° Ban La, said on the 61st anniversary of the formation of KIO that the organization and its armed wing, Kachin Independence Army (KIA), will work with any groups that are determined to fight the injustice and will regard the groups that disregard the justice and work for the regime.
Day after day, protesters still march on across the country. In Yangon, Mingaladon township, the student union led the strike against the junta with a large banner that says, “For the future of the country and the people, the regime must be toppled”. In Letpadaung township, Sagaing Region, villagers of different ages marched to the streets holding a banner that says, “We will demolish the regime with our united strength.” The video shows people singing along to the demonstration song against the junta and for the victory of the people’s revolution.
In Kalay township, people marched to the streets for 260 consecutive days against the junta. In Launglon township, Dawei, young people took to the streets with a banner that said, “We will never give up.” In Amarapura, youth led a defiant campaign throwing protest papers from motorbikes across the town. Young people in Mandalay also held an online photo campaign recognizing the National Unity Government (NUG), and to stand together with people who are unfairly detained by the junta for their defiance against the regime. in Mandalay, monks leading the Sangha strike led a prayer campaign against the junta. In Myaing township, basic education strike and people marched together chanting “We will fight till the end”.
Many people have given their lives in this revolution. Some have been unfairly detained and some have to leave families and their loved ones to fight for the truth and justice. One of the prominent leaders of 8888 uprising, U Jimmy, was arrested last night. He went unconscious after being interrogated and now being hospitalized.