The Northern Alliance, comprised of the Arakan Army, Ta’ang National Liberation Army, Kachin Independence Army released a statement last night, condemning the actions of junta’s military which had caused the massive fire and destruction of Thanlang Town, Chin State on 29 October. The statement mentioned that similar acts had been repeatedly committed by the same culprit over the years in the armed groups’ respective regions such as Kokang, Ta’ang and Rakhine and hence the Alliance sympathized with the tyrannized victims. Lastly, the Alliance went on to condemn the regime’s antics and pledged their unity in standing with the people of Myanmar. The statement was well-timed as the State Administration Council (SAC) adamantly denied its crime and instead started pinning the blame on local resistance forces.
Junta’s forces do not seem willing to end their atrocities any time soon. Yesterday evening around 6pm, three youths were shot and murdered by regime’s soldiers in Monywa, Sagaing Region because they had refused to stop their motorbike for inspection. One of them died straight away while the other two were followed until they were brutally shot dead off the vehicle. All three dead bodies were taken and not returned to the family yet. A similar case happened on October 1 in Dala Township, Yangon where two youths on a motorbike were gratuitously shot. One passed away on the spot and another one was yelling for help in agony with fatal wounds until he was again shot five times and silenced for good. Later, junta’s soldiers came to the location and staged the scene with daggers beside the dead bodies before taking pictures of them as if they were shot for attempting to harm them with weapons.
Also, in Sagaing Region, three farmers working in a plantation in Khin-U Township’s Thayatkan Village were murdered by regime’s soldiers yesterday. A local told Khit Thit Media that the victims namely Ko Phyo Wai Aung, Ko Chit Ko and Ko Yan Naing were killed because some military informers/supporters in the village had spread the rumor that they were People Defense Force (PDF) members. Fearing similar accusation, other farmers are scared to go back home, the sourced added. One of the most shared news on Facebook today took place in Maubin Township of Ayawaddy Region. A pro-military demonstration was planned there and some of the people were forced to provide vehicles and loudspeakers. One of them mistakenly played the anti-military song and he was reportedly beaten and abducted along with his car.
As we previously experienced back in April and May, regime’s forces are once again found in traffic junctions inspecting people’s phones. In some townships, people were forcefully asked to pay 5,000 MMK (approx: 3 USD) as a fine for leaving their smartphones at home while some people were abducted for keeping movement-related pictures/videos. Junta’s efforts in forcing people to pay electricity bills have accelerated as well. Yesterday evening around 6pm, a ward administrator/a military informer called U Thein Htay from Kyaukse Township, Mandalay was shot dead in his office as he was heard addressing the village to pay electricity charges or face consequences. Dragon Kyaukse Defense Force (DKDF) claimed responsibility for his death.
In battle news, junta’s military convoy returning to Mindat Town from Matupi Town in Chin State was ambushed by Chin Defense Force (CDF-Mindat) this morning. A bulldozer leading the convoy was detonated and two soldiers were severely injured, according to CDF-Mindat. For the time being, Matupi-Mindat road is occupied by CDF although junta’s forces can be seen patrolling Mindat Town. Also in Pale Township, Sagaing Region, a police convoy was detonated with landmines. Several policemen including a Superintendent were reportedly injured and one passed away during the incident. Moreover, Khit Thit Media reported that at least five military personnel/lackeys from Magway’s Natmauk, Yangon’s Hlaingthaya and Thaketa, Tanintharyi’s Launglon were murdered on November 1.
Meanwhile, the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing amended Television and Audio Broadcasting Law yesterday, enforcing “broadcasting on internet” to be applied under the same legislation as well as adding prison as an additional sentence option for violation of the act in which only fines were originally set. For instance, broadcasting without a license was previously fined 50,000,000 MMK (approx: 28,000 USD) which is now liable for 5 years imprisonment in addition. Nine media groups including DVB have been revoked of the broadcasting license by SAC while seven of which continue the services regardless. Min Aung Hlaing has targeted the media industry since day one as the brave journalists keep on reporting his crimes to the world. Thirty-one journalists have remained under detention as of Oct 20 according to Reporting ASEAN.