113Bomb explosions and attacks on the junta and its lackeys have been reported again today. In Yangon’s Kyi Myin Daing, Bagan, Mayangone and Thingangyun townships, there were bomb explosions early this morning. In Mandalay region, citizens reported a bomb explosion at the school that the soldiers have stationed at Mogok township and exchange of shots were heard afterwards today.
Attacks on the junta’s forces in Yangon are getting fiercer. Around noon, 11:30 am today, a group of urban guerrilla forces and people defense force (PDF) shot at Yangon’s Htandapin police station leading to the deaths of three policemen out of ten deployed. A PDF member later said the number of deaths would have been higher had it not been for the kid who had come near to the site. Again around 11am today, three soldiers were killed at the checkpoint coming from the direction of Thanlyin bridge around Yangon’s sightseeing spot, Ethnic Village. Three traffic police who had been notoriously distorting people for bribes and harassing the public were also shot at the same time. Two of them are in critical condition. In Hlaing Tharyar township, PDF fired heavy artillery on the two locations that had been stationed by the junta’s soldiers. The number of deaths is still unknown.
A coordinated attack of seven groups was reported in Magway Region today. People Defense Force Yesagyo, Phoenix guerrilla force (Yesagyo), 27 Revolution Forces MGN, Thwaythauk Revolution Forces, Urban Underground Revolution Forces- Yesagyo, K.N.T guerrilla force, and Shwe Lal Khun LPDF managed to set alight the Pakhannge police station of Yesagyo Township. The attack led to exchange of shots from the police and people defense forces leaving police to run in despair leaving their guns and motorbikes behind. In northern Rakhine, Maungdaw township, it is reported that clashes broke out between Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) and the junta’s forces on November 7, 9 and 11. More than ten junta’s forces were killed in the clashes.
We all know that the military never fails to retaliate in an excessive manner. In Kachin state’s Mohnyin Township around Hnamchi and Thayet mining areas; the military dropped bombs from the aircraft around 2am this morning in retaliation for attacks on their military trucks last night by Bhamo urban guerrilla force. About the same time in Sagaing’s Indaw Township early this morning, Sagaing PDF launched attacks and set alight two police stations out of three in Mawteik. In Sagaing’s Pale Township, two clashes were reported between the junta’s forces and Pale PDF. The military trucks were also dynamited with landmines in Ayadaw Township. Netizens reported today that there were close to 20 military reinforcement trucks going to Karenni State’s Loikaw Township last night from Taunggyi, Shan State. We just hope that those reinforcement troops will never make their way to crash the strongholds of Karenni PDF.
Arbitrary arrests continue. In the capital, Naypyidaw, two citizens and one ward administrator were arrested under suspicion that they are connected to the PDF and giving support. Many young people were reported to have been arrested in Yangon’s Hlaing Township last night although the exact number and the reason for their arrests are still unknown. In southern Shan State, Pekhon, a humanitarian worker helping internally displaced persons (IDPs) and seven other youths were arrested for no apparent reason, again. In Ayeyawaddy’s Maupin Township, ordinary citizens who are members of National League for Democracy (NLD) party have been arrested by the junta and got fines of 50,000 MMK for being a member. At the airport today, a famous anti-coup celebrity called Thandar Hlaing was arrested when her family and she tried to leave the country.
A breaking news today was the release of Danny Fenster, the American journalist who was sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment three days ago. According to the Associated Press and other sources, it appears that the release was negotiated by Japanese diplomat Sasakawa, who met the murderer-in-chief, Min Aung Hlaing, a couple of days ago. Sasakawa, known for mediating a ceasefire between the military and the Arakan Army last year, is also scheduled to meet ethnic political parties in Rakhine on Wednesday. The ceasefire lasted almost a year until a renewed fighting broke out last week in Maungdaw, northern Rakhine.
Besides Sasakawa, China’s special envoy to Myanmar, and Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister arrived in the capital Naypyidaw over the weekend. Sun Guoxiang, the Special Envoy of Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, arrived unannounced in Myanmar and is set to meet Min Aung Hlaing. He had met the coup leader in August already including members of the regime’s governing body. Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Don Pramudwinai, arrived on Sunday and met the junta’s leader. No press has been issued by the junta of Thai and Chinese visits.
As usual, brave protesters keep on marching for freedom, equality and democracy crying against oppression. Protests were observed today in Yangon, North Dagon township, youth staged a protest putting posters on trash bins. In Kalay township, protesters took to the streets amid rain for 281 consecutive days of rallying against the coup. In east of Yinmarbin and north of Sarlingyi of Sagaing region, villagers and farmers staged a ‘village coalition strike’ this morning. In Shwebo, people took to the streets holding banners and flags. Burmese student union which is a member of General Strike Committee (GSC) took to the streets and staged guerrilla strikes in Yangon’s north Dagon.