Khit Thit Media reported today that regime soldiers killed two civilians in Oak Shikkone village in Kyun Hla Township, Sagaing Region, for having found NLD flags in their homes. On November 20, the houses of U Aung Myint, 48, and Ko Sonny, 33, were searched and when NLD flags were found, they were abducted by regime soldiers, and then shot and killed outside the village. In another part of Sagaing Region, regime soldiers conducted search for PDFs in four villages in Ayardaw Township on November 19. The soldiers abducted Ko Htoo Naing, a local mechanics, accusing him as a resistant fighter, interrogated and tortured, then threw his dead body to Muu River, reported by Khit Thit Media. In addition to these deaths, houses were raided and destroyed in the process, and villagers have been missing as well.
If we recall, the family of Ko Soe Htay, protest leader from Mogok Town, has been targeted by the regime as it could not arrest the man. His two daughters and wife were arrested, convicted but later released by the junta. His elder son is currently detained, but has no communication with the family. On November 20, junta soldiers from Mogok Town destroyed U Soe Htay’s house by shooting indiscriminately although nobody lived there for months, then took household items and livestocks. On the same evening, a man from eastern part of Mogok Town was beaten up and taken by junta soldiers. The abducted person was a volunteer at a local charity, and reason of the arrest is unknown.
In Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Region, 12 villagers, including a fourth grader, from Ye Ngan village was abducted around 6am today. According to DVB News, regime soldiers initially searched and arrested Ko Kyaw Lin, a car driver, and then continued arresting other villagers. A local told DVB that the arrest must have carried out because of an informant. The local continued that Ko Kyaw Lin was briefly involved in NLD’s election campaign trail but later remained as an ordinary villager. In addition to the arrests, junta soldiers ransacked a private car and more than 1,000,000 MMK from a house. Regime soldiers threatened to burn down the houses, as well.
In Karen State, a military convoy carrying junta appointed State Chief Minister Saw Myint Oo was detonated with landmines today. Saw Myint Oo travelled to Hlaing Bwe to attend the opening ceremony of an oxygen plant where Border Guard Force (BGF) leader General Saw Chit Thu and another general from the military regime were also in attendance. Around 11.30am, the convoy was dynamited near Hti Lone village on Hlaing Bwe-Hpa An road and two cars were destroyed, Khit Thit Media reported. KNU’s Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Brigade 7 said that its troops are not active in that area so the attack wasn’t carried out by KNLA. Details of injury or responsible group is yet to be confirmed.
Junta’s attack on journalists continued. It was reported that a freelance reporter Daw Yin Yin Thein was abducted by regime soldiers on November 18 in Inndaw Township, Sagaing Region. According to her family member, junta soldiers broke and entered the house, beat up her family members including her mother, and searched the house as well. Junta soldiers also threatened to burn down the house. When nothing suspicious was found, regime soldiers accused that Daw Yin Yin Thein rode a motorbike with no proper license, and then arrested her. As of now, whereabout of the reporter is unknown, as reported by Khit Thit Media.
Again in Taungup Town of Rakhine State, Daw Cherry Thet Shay, a school teacher on strike, was abducted by plain-clothed soldiers on November 20, and her whereabout is unknown. The teacher joined Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) to show defiance against the regime since February, and was terminated from her position by state education department. Her family inquired the situation but no case was opened against her at the police station. The reason for her arrest is unknown and she has left an elderly mother and two teenage sons at home.
The NUG’s Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment (MOPFI) will start selling Spring Revolution Special Treasury Bond on November 22. The two-year bonds come in USD 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 values, and can only be bought with foreign bank accounts for the time being due to the security and banking challenges inside the country. However, people inside the country are still keen on buying the bond. Young people and middle class people are willing to chip in and buy the affordable bond (USD 100) with their saving. Myanmar diaspora across the globe plays an important role in the purchase of treasury bonds. This shows another solid proof that we are determined to support the NUG overwhelmingly despite the financial hardships due to the bad economy.
Protesters continued to show defiance against Min Aung Hlaing’s regime. Despite frequent arrests of youths in the city, Yangon guerrilla protesters came out with torches and protest banner that commemorate recently arrested U Phyu Zeya Thaw today. Ten months into the failed coup, people haven’t stopped protesting against the regime to this day. In the news, we learned that Sudan military reinstated power to detained prime minister after witnessing thousands of protesters showing defiance. If Min Aung Hlaing has any shame, he would have stepped down from this failed coup months ago, but the guy has no integrity; only greed. Hence, we have no choice but to continue our resistance in any form.