State Administration Council (SAC) announced that its forces had arrested 33 members of People Defense Forces (PDF) along with explosives in Mandalay Region during November 3 to December 1. The first two persons were abducted on November 3 and the rest were given up under interrogation. The detainees that include five female members are reportedly from MPDF and Naung Yoe Urban Guerrilla Force; some of them are just social media representatives according to local sources. More often that not, SAC’s press releases are rather ridiculous and exaggerative but when it comes to the arrests of PDF, they are not messing around. Mandalay-based medias have confirmed the news which is another big blow for the people following a similar raid of many PDF members in Yangon a couple of weeks ago.
Junta’s forces have been targeting everyone that looks like a PDF member which means all the youths in the country are at risk. Ko Phyo Maung Ye, a 30-year-old teashop owner from Sintgaing Township, Mandalay Region was accused of being a PDF member on the social media. Although he immediately denied the false claim, about 12 regime soldiers showed up at his teashop, shooting at his legs before abducting him yesterday afternoon. His wife and two-year old son were also taken along but they were released on the same day. The family was informed today that Ko Phyo Maung Ye had a “slipping accident” and died of the wounds. The dead body was not returned to the family and cremated without prior notice. A local told Myanmar Now that the body had torture signs as well as a broken arm. Of course, no one bought that he had died of “the slipping accident” yet no one could take it to the court to find justice. What we can do now is keeping records of such crimes.
Some of us have sacrificed a lot more in this revolution. We learn today that the mother of Ma Thae Su Naing, another victim accused of being a PDF member and refused a medical treatment for her broken leg, have been abducted by junta soldiers in Meikhtila Township, Mandalay Region on November 30. It means the whole family; the mother, the father and herself, have been put in custody and all she did was joining the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). More people in CDM movement were arrested in Bago Region last night. U Hla Myo Tun, the headmaster and U Aung Ye Htut, a teacher of an elementary school from Thayarwaddy Township were both abducted early morning of December 1. The police station told the family members that one of the detainees had been taken and interrogated in the military compound while whereabout of another was unknown.
Battles have intensified in many areas of the country. Pauk Guerrilla Force (PGF) clashed with regime soldiers twice yesterday in the southern part of Pauk Township following detonation of landmines. At least eight casualties were reported from junta side, according to DVB News. Kokang’s Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) also reportedly ambushed junta’s outpost in Lashio Township, Shan State yesterday. Regime soldiers responded with artillery shelling, forcing civilians from the neighborhood to flee their homes.
A clash took place between SAC and the joint force of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)’s Brigade 1 and PDF In Kyaikhto Township, Mon State this morning. The battle went on for two hours from 8.30am to 10.30am near Pyinkatoekone Village. A member of PDF told DVB that at least ten junta soldiers were killed and five were injured while the people’s side lost one freedom fighter. Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) from Karenni State today announced that they have banned the use of Loikaw-Demoso-Bawlakhe highway road commencing November 3 due to the increasing signs of warfare. KNDF spokesperson told Mizzima that junta’s forces seemed set to prepare for the ultimate battle against the local resistance forces who have stronghold in the area, even the use of military choppers is anticipated. He also added that the resistance forces have no desire to have a dialogue with SAC and continue fighting until the federal democracy is achieved and requested people’s understanding in having to cope with hardship in the meantime.
Although it’s heartbreaking to cheer for preparation of war, it is indeed energizing to witness PDF taking charge in some regions. A robbery took place in Mogok Township on November 30 in which two victims were shot, one of them died on the spot and money and jewelries were stolen. Local based Paddamyar Myay PDF vow to investigate and punish the culprits. In Kawhmu Township, Yangon, two guns of regime soldiers went missing on November 30 and as a result, the whole village has been put under interrogation until today. At least one person from each household were ordered to come to the hall room and reportedly got tortured. Some of them were not released until family members came with cash money to exchange for their release. At least 200 youths were arrested, and some were forced to dive in the river to search for the missing guns, Mizzima reported.
Last night, UN’s credential committee has deferred the decision over the rival claims to Myanmar and Afghanistan’s seats. It means U Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s current envoy to UN appointed by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led government will be kept in the same place. ‟This decision does not reflect the reality on the ground and existence of our country,” junta spokesman Zaw Min Tun told AFP. ‟We will continue submitting (to the UN) as usual according to diplomatic procedure and the right to representation in accordance with international and local laws,” he added. The decision was welcomed by majority of Myanmar although deferral does not guarantee the ultimate legitimacy. Any international decision that keeps Min Aung Hlaing unhappy is considered positive move for the rest of the country.