150Last night, Karen National Union (KNU) officially released a statement for the case of conflict in Lay Kay Kaw Town. In the announcement, KNU mentioned that the regime’s soldiers set up a camp on December 13, before storming into town the next day for investigations, and arrested innocent civilians. KNU’s army Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) had prepared for the battles initially, but avoided the battle for the concerns of civilians. However, the junta’s army destroyed some houses on December 15, and that triggered the clashes between KNLA and the regime’s subordinates. Since the junta forces suffered casualties, they requested KNU authorities to let them retreat from the town. KNLA allowed it, but junta’s forces refused to leave, effectively causing another clash in the evening. On December 16, the military’s army has coordinated with Border Guard Forces (BGFs) and raided into KNU’s area. The fights resumed for the whole day, resulting in 4,000 civilians fleeing from Lay Kay Kaw.
KNU also said that they have captured eight prisoners of war from the junta’s army and Border Guard Forces (BGFs) along with their weapons and ammunitions. Karen Information Center – KIC posted that those prisoners have been treated favorably as they have been transferred to Lay Kay Kaw administration authorities and provided with proper accommodations and meals. KNU further said that after collecting the personal information of detainees, they will further report to KNU central headquarter and military’s department authorities. Regarding their treatment of the prisoners, KNU received an overwhelming praise from National Unity Government (NUG) as well as netizens for following code of conduct during war.
According to NUG’s official media Public Voice Television, Maubin Parliament Representative Daw Ei Ei Pyone has warned SAC that they will be held responsible for the wellbeing of two National League for Democracy (NLD)’s parliament members detained in Lay Kay Kaw Town. She said that the detainees U Wai Lin Aung and Dr. Pyae Phyo were in very good health when they were detained, so that SAC will be accountable for whatever happens to them under their supervision. So far, no news has been heard of those two parliamentarians and other innocent civilians detained by the SAC’s soldiers on December 14. According to a staff who participated in Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), over 30 people were arrested by the junta forces in Lay Kay Kaw which eventually led to a full-blown battle against KNU.
To divert attention away from the battle in Lay Kay Kaw where the military forces are losing significantly, the news of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi wearing the prison uniform has emerged across different new channels. A source close to the court spoke to Khit Thit media that the Nobel peace prize winner Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was forced to put on the formal prison uniform, white top and brown longyi, by Myanmar Prisons Department. Similarly, Nay Pyi Taw Chief Minister Dr. Myo Aung was also dressed in the white shirt and blue longyi during the trial today. The news sparked outrage across social media users in Myanmar.
Moreover, SAC has ordered its subordinates to seal the houses of NUG’s minister and Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s (CRPH) parliament members. According to Burma VJ, houses of CRPH Prime Minster Manh Win Khine Than, Home Affairs Minister Lwin Ko Latt, Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Minster Dr. Tu Hkawng, and Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Health Shwe Pon have all been locked up. Dr. Tu Hkawng posted on his social media that his property, along with his coffee shop, has been confiscated, and his personal savings from bank accounts have also been frozen. House of Federal Affairs Minister Dr. Hlyan Hmon Sar Khaung in Hakha, Chin State and house of Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the United Nations U Kyaw Moe Tun in South Okkala township, Yangon have also been confiscated respectively in October and November.
People Revolution Army (PRA)’s representative Ko Japan spoke to Khit Thit Media that eight skirmishes took place within two days in Pale Township of Sagaing Region, and resulted in 32 deaths on junta’s side. On the evening of December 15, PRA shot five free flight rockets towards junta’s soldiers who were camping near a banana plantation and killed four. The next day on December 16, PRA attacked a military convoy carrying 20 soldiers, and killing 15 in Pale Township. Moreover, in the afternoon, a series of bombs were detonated, and 7 more soldiers from Min Aung Hlaing’s side were killed in the same township. Furthermore, another battle broke out between PRA and regime’s Brigade 11 Kamaya-217 on the same day, in which six more soldiers were found dead.
Near La Har Ward in Thanlyin Township of Yangon Region, junta forces launched a surprise attack on local PDF with the help of the military informant guiding them to PDF’s safe house. Due to the massive differences in weapons, two PDF members were murdered and three PDF members; two females and one male, have been arrested according to MSI news. One of the PDF members committed suicide as he decided to avoid being tortured by the regime’s forces who are notoriously renowned for their cruel and inhumane interrogation tactics.