Despite people’s campaign against airstrike, Min Aung Hlaing’s forces continued to launch aerial attacks against local resistance forces. News came from Tedim, Chin State that regime forces used fighter jets during the clash against Chin resistance forces today. Near Hein Zein village, a clash broke out between Chin resistance forces and junta soldiers, and around 12pm, regime forces used heavy artillery shelling. A local villager told Mizzima News that fighter jets came in to help its ground soldiers, and launched attacks twice around 2pm. Many assumed that aerial attacks meant that regime soldiers on ground might be severely defeated.
Speaking of region soldiers getting defeated, local resistance forces from Karenni (Kayah) State ambushed regime soldiers who provided security at District Police Office in Loikaw Township last night. The ambush, coordinated by Karenni Democratic Front (KDF) and GZ-21 (Loikaw), took about 20 minutes, and resistance fighters retreated without any injury. However, the injury from the regime side is yet to be disclosed according to the spokesperson from KDF. Loikaw Township continues to witness ongoing clashes, and residents have to flee from their homes. Mizzima News reported that regime forces used artillery shelling this morning, and two fighter jets were seen flying over the town as well.
Yesterday, we reported that regime soldiers were deployed in Depayin Township of Sagaing Region which led to displacement of local villagers in the area. Today, Khit Thit Media reported that fleeing villager U Nyi Nyi Lwin was shot by regime soldiers yesterday, and burned alive to dispose the body. Friends of the 47-year-old victim told Khit Thit that he was burned before he died, and they pledged his innocence. U Nyi Nyi Lwin is survived by two children including an infant. Regime soldiers raid, arrest and kill innocent civilians in villages in Budalin Township, Sagaing Region as well, according to Khit Thit.
News came from Karen State today that International Committee of the Red Cross went to Myawaddy Town of Karen State this week to provide humanitarian aid for internally displaced persons (IDP). The press statement of ICRC said that the committee distributed basic emergency kits and medicines to IDPs from Mae Htaw Thalay and Ingyin Myaing villages. However, the distribution was provided in partnership with Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS) which is a popular organisation among Myanmar people. The partnership worries Myanmar netizens if the aid items will be handed to people who are in need, yet, many welcomed the support for those who suffered the consequences of armed conflicts.
Khit Thit Media reported today that regime lackeys, made up of soldiers, police forces and staff members of General Administration Department, have been illegally collecting money from businesses in big cities, including Yangon. On January 6, regime soldiers who patrolled around Bayint Naung market forcibly collected money and food supplies from every shop in the market, a shop owner told Khit Thit Media. In addition, Deputy Police Chief of Bayint Naung/Mayangone area has allowed gambling businesses and commercial sex workers by collecting protection tax from them, according to locals. A business owner from Mayangone Township told Khit Thit Media that regime lackeys allowed all sorts of illegal entertainment to distract people from participating in the resistance activities. He reminisced, “These situations bring me back to the time under previous military regime around 1999”.
Yesterday, we briefly reported about the State Administration Council (SAC)’s press conference. SAC’s spokesperson General Zaw Min Tun said that the military arrested about 10,000 resistance fighters. In a prideful tone, the spokesperson said that they arrested them before the attacks took place. It is so just ironic that Min Aung Hlaing’s lackeys arrested such a large number of people who resist the regime, and not realising how much of a failure his reign is. Despite all the nonsense accusations at youths who are detained behind bars, the video clip of U Phyo Zeya Thaw, who was arrested last year, was showed, where he admitted attacks he coordinated. Many netizens shared how relieved they were to see him alive, and discussed to work harder to take back control of the nation.
Last but not least, people tend to forget about ongoing global pandemic due to the political turmoil in our country. Khit Thit media reported that regime’s ministries circulated internal memo in which 111 trainees from Central Institute of Civil Service in Phaunggyi, Yangon Region, were contracted with Omicron variant. It was not long ago when Min Aung Hlaing politicised the public health crisis, and controled oxygen access for Covid patients. The scenes of dead bodies piling at Yangon’s Yay Way cemetery have not faded in our memories. Let us all be careful about the deadly virus as we continue to resist.