Internal Politics
- Voters will not vote for candidates directly, said junta’s UEC
Gearing up for the sham election in 2023, junta-appointed Union Commission Election said that the ‘closed PR’ system will be adopted in the upcoming election. According to the system, voters cannot vote for the candidate of their choice. Instead, the political parties are required to submit a list of the most favorable candidate to the least, and the top candidates will be elected according to the number of candidates winning from each party. As if allocating 25% of the seats for ‘military representatives’ isn’t enough, Min Aung Hlaing and his advisors are plotting their best to hold power for the long term. The UEC’s booklet said that the system will be switched to the Open List PR system when ‘the citizens become more literate, more familiar with elections and political culture’. How condescending…
- AA vows to revenge the military regime for the massacre in Ponnagyun
On November 10, the regime’s soldiers raided Sin Inn Gyi Village in Ponnagyun Township, killed at least nine people including elderlies, and torched the civilians’ homes. The victims showed gunshot wounds and stab wounds. On November 11, the Arakan Army issued a statement in which the ethnic armed group vowed to retaliate against the military regime, including the Light Infantry Division 550 which committed the Ponnagyun massacre.
- Two cabinet members of Mandalay Regional Government were released
Dr Soe Than, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation, and U Myo Thit, Minister for Natural Resource and Environment Conservation were released from prisons on November 8 and 10 respectively. Both of them were detained on the day of the coup, February 1 of 2021. They were released since they had completed their jail time according to the lawyers. Mandalay Mayor Dr Ye Lwin, and U Kyaw Zeya, a municipal committee member, also completed their time, but they remain detained since the military added additional charges against them.
International Affairs
- ASEAN leaders plan to set a timeframe on the five-point consensus
During the 40th and 41st ASEAN summit held on November 11, the regional bloc acknowledged the lack of progress in the Five-Point Consensus (5PC) developed in April 2021. The ASEAN leaders reiterated that the 5PC remains ‘the valid reference’ and that foreign ministers from the member states are tasked to develop an implementation plan with ‘concrete, measurable indicators with specific timeline’ to execute the consensus. The 10-member bloc will also consider other approaches for the implementation of the 5PC while calling on the UN and external partners to support in this effort. However, if we recall, the Myanmar junta threatened last month that the efforts would be counterproductive if pressures such as time frame were imposed on the implementation of the consensus.
- The 5PC is ‘ill-fit’ and must be ‘reframe or expanded’, said the NUG
In response to the ASEAN’s official statement, the civilian-elected National Unity Government issued a statement on November 12, calling the Five-Point Consensus ‘ill-fit’ for the purpose. The statement also pointed out that the consensus should be reframed or expanded with the NUG’s consultation on developing implementation plans and practical indicators. The civilian government said it is ready to work with the ASEAN foreign ministers and the Special Envoy. The NUG also urged the ASEAN to ban the regime’s representatives from all ASEAN meetings.
- Global Town Hall removed the NUG ministers last minute to remain ‘neutral’
The Global Town Hall 2022, a livestream event organized by the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), excluded two NUG ministers from its speakers after the UN’s interference. The livestream event which was held on November 5 initially invited the NUG’s Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and her deputy U Moe Zaw Oo as the speakers, and the press materials also featured the headshots of the two ministers. However, a high level UN official complained to another co-organizer of the event, Global Citizen, that inviting the NUG ministers would ‘amount to taking sides’ in Myanmar’s current conflict, and asked to drop them from the panelists according to the Irrawaddy News. During the live-streamed event, Daw Zin Mar Aung’s pre-recorded opening message was not aired, and U Moe Zaw Oo, who joined the link to the online event, was sent to a breakout room and was only informed then that he was removed from the agenda.
Business Matters
- Members of Capital FX Myanmar committed money fraud
November 8: Bran Aung @ Aung Aung Oo, the founder of Capital FX Myanmar, who defrauded people with billions of kyats, and his team set up at least 4 investment Facebook pages and defrauded money without paying the principal or interest. The Facebook pages set up by them are:
1. Passive U Finance
2. Fair Forex Trading Myanmar – Mandalay Branch
4. Green FX Investment
- Junta’s attempt to control the financial flow of companies
According to company law experts, the Electronic Registration of Companies (MyCo) system is being scrutinized more closely because the Junta wishes to control the financial flow of companies. The Military Council’s Directorate of Companies (DICA) issued a statement on November 4 stating that, despite the fact that the MyCo system was built to an international standard to make it easy for the public to use, companies and entrepreneurs are not following the law. According to an agency that applies for local company licenses, this publication could be the main control of the banking system and financial flow of the companies by the Junta.
- Tourism declined significantly following the coup
Local travel and tour businesses spoke to DVB that the number of tourists declined significantly following the military coup. After the COVID-19 pandemic first wave and second wave in Myanmar, the local tourism business was about to improve, but the coup worsened it instead. This year, people tend to travel again but the number of tourists is significantly low compared with that two years ago. Despite the low tourist season, local travelers have helped the sustainability of businesses. If the political situation improves, more travelers, especially from China and Thailand plan to visit Myanmar. However, the recent shooting that happened in Kyaikhteeyoe proved to be a concern for foreigners to visit Myanmar.
- Money Changer in Mingalartaungnyunt Township robbed
Around 4 pm on November 12, Ye Min Aung Money Changer in Mingalartaungnyunt Township, Yangon was robbed. A witness said that the money changer is located near Thein Phyu post office on Thein Phyu Road, very close to the areas where soldiers are patrolling. Gunmen arrived in two cars and opened fire twice before they took away 20-25 million Myanmar Kyats. A Yangon resident living near the scene said that the robbery location is a crowded area in Yangon, and the robbers are very daring to commit such a crime in the city center. He added that it was mysterious that the criminals are still not caught although there are multiple CCTVs installed by the military.
Humanitarian Affairs
- Over 100,000 of 300,000 IDPs in Kawthoolei Region need urgent humanitarian aid
The Karen National Union said a total of 3,845 armed clashes occurred in the KNU-controlled Kawthoolei region between January and October of 2022, and over 100,000 out of more than 300,000 displaced people in humanitarian need, according to the latest statement released by the KNU. The clashes were reported daily between the military forces and the troops of Karen National Liberation Army and Karen National Defense Organization.
- More than 2,000 People from 5 Villages in Rakhine’s Ponnagyun tsp on the Run
Due to recent regional instability, over 2,000 people from five villages in Rakhine State’s Ponnagyun Township are reportedly on the run. The villages that are fleeing are reported to be Tan Pa Hla, Chaung Wa, Sin Inn Gyi, New and Old Paday Thar villages. Most of the people are reportedly taking refuge in nearby areas and facing a lot of difficulties with accommodation and food. This mass displacement occurred right after two military trucks were attacked by resistance forces in between Sin Inn Gyi and Paday Thar village on the morning of November 10.
- Nearly 40,000 houses and buildings torched throughout the country since the Coup
A total of 38,568 houses and religious buildings have been torched and destroyed in 81 villages throughout the country between the coup on February 1, 2021, and October 31, the Institute for Strategy and Policy-Myanmar said in a statement on November 8. The statement said about 94pc of the total destroyed buildings were torched in 2022, and the worst month for arson attacks was in May, 2022. It said a total of 6,599 houses in Sagaing Region’s Shwebo Township and Magway Region’s Myaing Township had been torched as the highest. A total of 3494 houses, or about 70pc in Sagaing Region, had been torched in Shwebo Township. It also said at least 1,500 houses, 1,124 in Sagaing Region and 371 in Magway Region, were torched between October 1 and October 31. The statement also said more than 1.6 million people from 96 townships nationwide had been forced to be displaced and Kayah State’s Demoso Township had been the highest with about 126,000 people.
- Myanmar Rights Groups call on junta rape victims to report violations
Two rights groups in Myanmar, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners and Women’s League of Burma said in a joint statement on November 9 that survivors must be heard with dignity and the junta’s crimes recorded by urging survivors of the junta’s sexual violence to report violations. The statement quoted the details of the interview by the AAPP in September 2022, to a political prisoner who was raped by soldiers and criminals in May 2021. Ko Kyaw Kyaw, one of protest leaders, had been tortured such as slapping, kicking, and breaking his fingers while he was tied to a chair in a room in a township police station after being detained in a flash-mob protest in Yangon in May last year. He said that after interrogators learned of his homosexually, he was gang-raped by three criminals and two junta soldiers and was forced to sleep with his rapists in the cell before he was transferred to Shwepyithar interrogation center. He had also been tortured in interrogation center like other political prisoners had faced. AAPP secretary U Tate Naing said that people deserve justice and dignity for human rights violations; we want the regime leaders and violators to know that in the future – in a free and federal Burma – they will be held to account for their crimes. WLB spokeswoman also said that the military has used sexual violence as a weapon with impunity for decades and every perpetrator of sexual violence must face justice, action must be taken.
- More than 250 houses from Obo Ward removed in Mandalay Region
More than 253 houses in Obo ward in Mandalay Region’s Aung Myay Thar Zan Township were removed on October 10 with the reason of encroaching on the land owned by Myanma Railways, residents told RFA Burmese. A ward resident told RFA Burmese that people who had been living with house grant certificates were also included in houses removed. He added residents had to move to other places after being forced to remove. Mandalay Region Administration Council Spokesperson U Thein Htay told RFA Burmese that those houses were removed as they were squatters, and people who have house grant certificates could complain. Residents said Myanma Railways had sent notices on November 9 to residents including from Obo ward in Aung Myay Thar Zan District who have been living on the land owned by the Myanma Railways to remove from areas and had warned people to take actions with laws if they were not moved.
Protests & Fundraising
- Failed Law movement on YBS cars
November 13: The Yangon public strike said that the people in Yangon participated in the “Failed Law” movement on YBS cars in Yangon. Demon, the revolutionary youth, also said that despite the tight security, people participated in the activity on the public buses. He also said that it is encouraging to see that the people are participating.
- Continuing protests across the country
Protests across the country are still going strong, including in Yangon, Myaing, Yinmarbin, Kalay and Watt Latt.
- Fundraising winter football tournament in South Korea
November 13: Winter football tournaments are being held in South Korea to raise funds for the revolution, led by expatriate Burmese citizens. The One Day Challenge, which benefits the revolution, as well as the sale of EOD and Bonds by the NUG government, and the sale of raffle tickets, are also included.
Attacks on the Junta’s Lackeys & Properties
- Explosion took place in South Oakkalpa tsp, Yangon
On the evening of November 10, an explosion occurred in a teashop in Yangon’s South Oakkalapa Township. The blast was minor and no casualty was reported. Later it was confirmed by God Hand Force that the attack was its responsibility, its members carried out a last-minute mission because they received a tip that a senior-level military official was at the teashop. However, the man was not harmed and only his car was damaged.
- Military informer attacked in Kyaiklatt, Ayeyarwady Region
A dalan/military informer named U Myo Thu @ Khaw Lay was shot three times in Kyaiklatt Town, Ayeyarwady Region on November 10. The incident took place around 7.30 pm in Ward (1), Street no.13, Kyaiklatt. The man whose other duty is being a lapdog of a colonel was notorious for extortion and blackmailing the public. He has been admitted to Maubin Hospital and still fighting for his life. Local-based resistance force named Ayeyarwady Sharks Guerilla Force claimed responsibility for the attack.
- Public enemy Pyu Saw Htee leader killed in Nganzon tsp, Mandalay Region
In Bawdi Village, Mattaya Township, Mandalay Region, a Pyu Saw Htee leader named Tun Yin was shot and killed on November 10. The man had repeatedly tortured the villagers and even killed an innocent civilian at one point. Local sources said that Tun Yin was escorted out by six men in a local pub before he was killed. Local-based MN PDF claimed responsibility for the attack. MN PDF added that it had also warned Tun Yin’s associate U Aung Than Myint, the ward administrator of the village, for interfering with resistance activities by shooting him in the arm.
- Parcel bomb exploded and killed the judge in Kawlin tsp, Sagaing Region
On the morning of November 11, a blast occurred inside the court in Kawlin Township, Sagaing Region, killing the associate judge named Brang Seng. Reports said that the explosion was caused by a parcel bomb. It’s unknown who carried out the operation. Kawlin saw intense investigation in recent days, and the incident took place on the second day of less inspection.
Arbitrary Arrests, Killings & Violence
- Burned bodies found after military raid in Mindat, Chin State
On November 7, the regime’s forces imitated PDF soldiers and set up camp in Palontwi Village, Mindat Town, Chin State. Dead bodies have been found in the village after the soldiers left on November 10. Chin Defense Force (CDF) who carried out the clearance mission said that they found parts of burned bodies in the area, many of them were killed and burned and bones were crashed so it’s impossible to identify the victims. At least nine people have been missing from the village: three local villagers and six internally displaced persons from Magway Region and it’s speculated that all nine of them have been killed by the military.
- PDF members and villagers tortured and killed in Budalin tsp, Sagaing Region
Two villagers and two PDF members were brutally murdered by the regime’s soldiers in Ywar Shay Village, south of Budalin Township, Sagaing Region. On November 9, as the SAC forces were firing artillery on the village, a PDF leader Bo Mee Tauk and another member Ko Myo Thu Win were helping the villagers escape from the area. They were captured by the regime soldiers and tortured to death. On the following day, two villagers named 50-year-old U Shan and 14-year-old Mg Myo Than were killed by the same soldiers as they were captured hiding on a farm.
- Military opened artillery on village, injuring IDPs in Pekon tsp, Shan State
On the evening of November 9, the junta’s military shot artillery indiscriminately toward Laei Village, Pekon Township, Shan State. Two artillery fell in the village, injuring four villagers including an eight-year-old. The rest of the victims are 81-year-old Daw Mu Htant, 44-year-old Daw Mu Mar Tha, and 56-year-old U Kai. According to the local sources, the military often opens fire randomly but this is the first time the artillery fell on inside the village, critically injuring people. Pekon is the border town of Shan and Kareeni (Kayah) State which is a strategic area for both sides of the resistance.
- SAC fired artillery into villages and killed civilians in Ponnagyun tsp, Rakhine State
On the morning of November 10, the State Administration Council (SAC)’s two reinforcement trucks were detonated with landmines by Arakan Army (AA) in Ponnargyun Township, Rakhine State. And as retaliation, the soldiers terrorized the nearby Sininngyi Village, burning houses and killing people. In the next morning, at least nine civilians, most of them elderlies, were found dead with bullet wounds in the village on Yangon-Sittwe Asia Highway Road.
- Two civilians killed during military raid in Myingyan tsp, Mandalay Region
A grandmother and a man were killed during the military raid of Pyarr Village in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Region. On November 8, the military forces set the 1000-household-village on fire after they were ambushed by the PDF soldiers in the evening. An elderly woman was killed by the fire as she could not run to safety. The regime soldiers opened fire on those who came back to collect their things when the fire was put out. A 30-year-old man named Ko Zaw Myo Naing was killed as he headed back to take his cart. He is survived by four children.
- A man killed during interrogation In Tontay tsp, Yangon
The 37-year-old Ko Thant Zin Oo who was abducted under suspicion of being a PDF member died in interrogation after a week of his arrest in Yangon. Ko Thant Zin Oo was from Tontay Township and at least 10 people including his family and his friends were arrested together on October 29. His wife and two daughters, aged 13 and aged 1 were also among the detainees. The wife and children were released after two days but the rest went through interrogation and his family was informed this week that Ko Thant Zin Oo had died. Local sources said that soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members teamed up to torture the victims, Ko Thant Zin oo was beaten until he lost his teeth and his body parts were also cut out while he was still alive.
Armed Resistance
- CNF station under aerial attack, Chin State
Chin National Front (CNF) said that the regime had conducted airstrikes on one of its stations in Hakha, the capital of Chin State on November 7. Around 2 pm on that day, SAC’s two fighter jets dropped bombs four times on the CNF’s military station located six miles from Hakha. Fortunately, there was no casualty despite minor damages. CNF also said that SAC scouted at least twice from the sky before the actual airstrikes took place. It was also leaked that the regime had planned to attack Victoria Camp the headquarter of CNF as well.
- Regime forces shelled artillery in Loikaw tsp, Karenni (Kayah) State and blamed PDF
On the evening of November 9 between 7 pm to the next morning at 1 am, the junta’s forces reportedly fired 20 pieces of artillery toward five villages such as Kyaittone, Tilone, Linphongyi, Linphonelay and Konnar in Loikaw Township, Karenni (Kayah) State. Local sources said that SAC’s Battalion 530 based near Loilin Lay was responsible for those firings although there was no active clash near the villages and not even PDF members lived in those areas. Due to the explosions, 70-year-old U Shwe Htoo died of heart failure. However, the junta’s propaganda media released a statement that it was PDF who attacked their army bases with artillery on that night.
- Twenty SAC soldiers died during clash in Htigyaint tsp, Sagaing Region
On the morning of November 11 around noon, a clash broke out when the regime’s army encountered resistance forces near Kyatthayaychaung Village, Htigyaint Township, Sagaing Region. Because the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) were more familiar with the territory, they came out on top and managed to take out at least 20 men of the junta according to one member. However, as retaliation, the military set the village on fire and about 20 houses were burned down. Villagers are said to be on the run with fears for their lives.
- SAC forces ambushed five times on same day in Mon State
Regime forces were reportedly attacked with landmine detonation at least five times on the same day on the same highway road between Ye and Thanphyuzayat townships on November 12. At least six soldiers were killed and three were injured during the attacks that took place near Aungthapyay Village, Aye Gabar Village, and Walkami Village. The first ambush occurred around noon and the last attack was recorded at midnight. Taung Nyo Guerilla Force claimed responsibility for the attack and also warned civilians not to travel close to the military vehicles.
- SAC police station raided, junta responded with airstrikes in Kyaikmayaw tsp, Mon State
On the morning of November 12 around 5.30 am, local-based resistance forces led by Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) raided the police station of Chaung Nha Khwa Village, located 27 miles southeast of Kyaikmayaw Township, Mon State. Two policemen were captured alive before the station was set on fire. The people’s forces also attacked the bridge at the top of the village that was manned by SAC soldiers and ally Border Guard Forces (BGF). Everyone on security duty was said to have given up their positions and fled once PDF entered the scene. Shortly afterward, the junta sent two military choppers to conduct airstrikes on the village. About 1000 villagers got stuck in the area due to the clash and the aerial attack from the regime.
- Bribes range from 4 lakhs to 6 lakhs to get a passport
Due to the military’s tight control over passport issuance, applicants must pay bribes ranging from 400,000 to 600,000 kyats to get a passport. Every day around 6 a.m., hundreds of people queue in front of the passport office in Yankin Township. Applicants could easily get a passport for 30,000 kyats during the NLD government, but it now costs 400,000 to 600,000 kyats.
- Min Aung Hlaing told local businesspeople in Myeik tsp, Tanintharyi to produce solar energy
Junta leader senior general Min Aung Hlaing told medium, small and micro enterprises’ owners to produce solar energy since the hydroelectric power that he planned to produce has been interfered with by armed groups. He met MSMEs owners on November 5 in Tanintharyi Region’s Myeik Township. Min Aung Hlaing reportedly said solar energy will be produced for manufacturing industries in Myeik region and that the state will grant loans to businesses as much as it could afford.
- More than 1,100 employees of Yangon Footwear Factory demand increased minimum wage
More than 1,100 employees of the Emerald Footwear factory in Yangon Region’s South Dagon Township demonstrated on the morning of November 9 to demand a minimum daily wage of K8,000 because of an increase in living costs, including higher commodities prices, workers said. The factory, which has 1,600 employees, is owned by a Chinese national. Negotiations involving the workers, the factory owner and labor department officials after the demonstration produced agreement on some demands, except increasing the minimum daily wage to K8,000, a source close to the factory’s management told DVB. The source added that the minimum wage cannot be raised because the rate has not been officially amended. If the factory agrees, other factories will be in trouble. The minimum daily wage was set at K4,800 a day in 2018 and workers say it needs to be increased to keep abreast with higher living costs.
Source: Khit Thit, Myanmar Now, Mizzima, RFA Burmese, DVB, The Irrawaddy, Eleven