Freedom Memoirs Vol. 4, Issue 8

by mohingamatters

For a brief moment, the rumor that Min Aung Hlaing had been removed gave us hope—hope that we might finally be able to return home. The idea of reuniting with the places and people we love felt closer than ever. We knew that getting rid of him wouldn’t solve everything, but it would have been a huge step forward in our fight for freedom.

Even though the rumor turned out to be false, our hope didn’t fade. In the past few months, we’ve seen resistance fighters returning to areas that have been freed. Stories of people going home—like the young girl in this month’s issue—are no longer just dreams. They’re starting to happen.

The road ahead is still difficult, but it is clear: armed resistance is the only way to bring down Myanmar’s military regime. 

We ask for your support. Help the resistance however you can. Every act of bravery, every bit of support, brings us closer to the day when everyone can go home.

Read our latest magazine issue here: Download

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