On the same day that UN Security Council issued a statement that they strongly condemned “the violence used against peaceful anti-coup protesters”, at least twelve people were killed by the junta during so called crackdowns. That indicates how little the UN matters in the coup leader’s mind. They even failed to agree on the use of term “coup” which is a reality check for most of us who were expecting a proper intervention in the near future. The UN statement did not provide any false hope, or any hope at all. Looks that we are on our own.
Eleven out of twelve people we lost today were from towns that begin with letter M: seven from Myaing, one from Mandalay, one from Myingyan, one from Monywa and one from North (Myouk) Dagon. The other one was from Bago according to DVB TV news. Terrorist army shoots people in the heads in towns that start with letter “M” every Thursday. That’s a new pattern people have cracked today. But again they shoot people everyday everywhere, that’s no astrology, that’s terrorism.
This morning, we also learnt that Junta had removed the Arakan Army (AA) from its list of terrorist groups because they had stopped attacks and in order to help establish peace across the country. We wonder who’s going to announce that military itself has been widely branded a terrorist army on local and international fronts.
Another press conference of the junta was held today. As their pages have been removed from Facebook, a handful of curious minds had to tune into MWD, the military-owned TV channel, to listen to two hour long conference full of lies. One accusation that cracked up people most is that State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi accepted illegal payments worth of USD 771,800 from the ousted Yangon’s Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein. It’s an irony when the illegal government who is best known for corruption is accusing someone who is best known for her loyalty for cheating on her own country. If only one justice has been served for the coup leader, it’s by Facebook that has removed all the propaganda pages.
Violence has been used far greater than the previous month and that might have injected fear into people’s mind to an extend. Yangon’s streets are starting to get empty even in usual hotspots for protests. Although night protests have begun in certain areas, the number of demonstrators have significantly decreased. It’s understandable fear and violence have been working for the junta, but we believe courage of CDM heroes will encourage people to get back on the streets in coming days. As Nelson Mandela famously said: “Courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.” We are inspired by that and we will grow out of our own fears.