Today is Day 3 since Myanmar Military’s coup d’état against democratically-elected government occurred. Military junta’s tightening grip continues by appointing more cabinet positions, national and states and region governing councils. People responded by showing civil disobedience, civil servants such as doctors, engineers, teachers and others refused to show up to work, while the public has shown their support towards such civil disobedience. Yangon has filled with candle lights and thundering noises of hitting pots and pans as a sign of resistance. The people, without guiding force, demonstrated their abhorrence towards military dictatorship and their admiration towards the elected members of the parliament and the legitimate government. UN Security Council meeting gave unsurprising outcome. As expected, they failed to do anything, even lip services due to China and Russia positing themselves as long-term allies to successive military dictators in this country.
As days goes by the public attention draws towards the people they voted. What the heck is happening to the MPs who are laterally gathered at a place and can communicate with the outside world through their smart phones and internet access. Most elected MPs are presumably well, and while people are pleased to see that people begin to become agitated at the MPs.
As of writing this sentence, the junta is tightening its grip by putting ludicrous charges towards the President U Win Myint for breaking COVID-related health guidelines back in September 2020 and the State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi for having illegally imported handheld speakers. (Anyone want to bet if the court will find them acquitted?) The public’s agitation grows, and the MPs still posted wishy-washy stuffs on their social media. Then in late afternoon the MPs released a signed statement demanding the release of all MPs and government members including the president and the state counsellor and acknowledgement of 2020 Myanmar General Election outcomes.
Will these demands be met? As it stands now, every indicator points as “HELL NO”. Unless, of course, something is to be changed. Before then, we keep hitting pots and pans, and we stop contributing towards the military dictators.