Large protests are ongoing defiantly across the country. The military thugs have been using less live ammo to protesting crowds in 2 days since the carnage on Wednesday, and the death toll is increasing only marginally. We don’t know how long this will continue, but the thought of people’s lives being spared only because something a complete taboo is being halted made us fill with disgust.
However, slingshots, rubber bullets, sound and smoke bombs, the beating and other forms of brutality are still being deployed liberally. Another facet of changing tactics by the military thugs is increased shooting and firing smoke bombs to residences and neighbourhoods. Worse, houses are increasingly being shot with live ammo, with multiple injuries being reported. The smoke-bomb incidents while sitting in your home is just too frequent. Additionally, soldiers and polices robbing valuables and smashing what they cannot carry are getting more frequent too. While we originally mocked at those thieveries when soldiers picked up prata from a discarded cart a week ago, we are now realizing the terrors they pose when it becomes too frequent and when soldiers are robbing savings of 2 old women in Myeik or broke into the house, destroyed car and electronic appliances and took gold and money in Mandalay. The message the military thugs are sending while they are less using live bullets on protesting crowds is clear. People are not safe within their own homes and everything we have, including our lives, survives only at the mercy of the military. Of course the people will not stand, the people will not break off the protests. While we are afraid to die, we are also aware that the alternative, our lives and our properties are them for the taking at any time, is much worse.
On the CDM front, considerable gains are witnessed, most publicized are from the police force and the diplomatic missions. The coup council’s legitimacy is increasingly unrecognized. Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), the most influential private sector representative body in the country declined meeting with a key cabinet minister of the council. This is the strongest message sent by previously much political-neutral private sector. US, European, UK, Italian, Germany and France Chambers of Commerce also issued a joint statement claiming “We have received a lot of meeting requests by the representatives of the military government. We have declined all invitations.”
Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) has been under pressure to move faster since the bloodbath on Wednesday to save lives. We believe what they achieved during this short period is remarkable and they are working hard to achieve these. However, they also better aware that the country’s lifeline and theirs depend on protestors risking their lives. Unarmed protestors are willingly giving their lives in the hope that bright future awaits for those who live and for the country, and their efforts will help bring this. The CRPH, the NLD, ethnic representatives and anyone who is living and fighting against military dictatorship and for a federal democratic future need to know that.
Speaking of casualties, one civilian was shot dead in Mandalay during the anti-coup protest crackdown. News also reported Pwintphyu Township NLD Chairman and his 17 years old nephew were killed by a group of thugs including one member of USDP, the military proxy party. Since the killings are done by machetes and other bladed weapons, the savagery of the killings, the bloodied corps are unlike anything we have seen since the coup begin.
No death shall be in vain. The people will keep on resisting the dictatorship and working to achieve our goal for the federal democratic Myanmar. We will see you again this time tomorrow to share what unfolded in this journey tomorrow.