One hundred and fourteen. That’s the number of people reportedly killed on the Armed Forces day by the terrorist military but the number could be more since the terrorist military could not stop killing people until late last night. We woke up to another devastating news from Mandalay that a forty-two-year-old man named U Aye Ko was burned to death by the terrorist soldiers in Mandalay. The night guard was trying to put out the fire set by armed thugs before he was shot and then thrown into the fire while he was still alive. About 60 householders were burned down in another area of Mandalay as well. In the capital Naypyidaw where the coup leaders were hosting a gala dinner, a 21 years old young man was killed during nighttime peaceful protest.
Feeling powerless and helpless, we often cry for help from the ethnic armed organizations (EAOs). One of the leading EAOs, the Karen National Union (KNU) declared its successful takeover of the terrorist military base yesterday morning. Many of us felt happy about the news. But it didn’t last because starting 7 pm last night, junta’s forces used air strike attack at the Brigade 5 of KNU, causing deaths and casualties of civilians in villages around the area. War comes with a price of innocent lives, and we are paying extremely high price for the federal democracy.
Despite the mass killing of the terrorist army, people do not stop protesting and resisting the coup, which means more shootings and killings of innocent lives by terrorist soldiers. In Hlaing Township, Yangon, the terrorist army used hand grenade to disperse the crowd. A man lost his limb and another was also injured due to the explosion. Another man from Hlaing Township, who was living inside his own house, was shot by terrorist soldiers while two people were also shot and killed in South Dagon township, one of whom was an employee from AYA bank.
The junta’s forces wear solider uniforms but do not seem to understand the meaning of neutralized zones. Today in Sanchaung, young protesters took refuge inside Asia Royal hospital as they ungrouped due to the crackdown. The junta’s forces entered the hospital and shot at a hospital staff. The incident caused a big scene inside the hospital, scaring patients at the very least.
Entire day, we keep receiving deceased reports from all over the country. In Kalay Township, Sagaing Region, Ma Ah Ku, director of local woman’s rights group Women for Justice, was shot and killed while the junta’s forces cracked down on a marching protest. Another young man from Kalay was also killed due to the crackdown. In Monywa, a young nursing student and a man were killed. In Myingyan, Mandalay Region, one woman was shot dead. In Taunggyi, Shan State, the junta’s forces shot at least four people who are still fighting for their lives.
No matter how cruel the junta’s forces respond to the people’s resistance, their barbaric acts do not surprise us anymore. Some of the people who we lost during this fight had written wills which surfaced online once their death news were confirmed. Many had pledged to donate their bodies and organs after deaths. Extreme terrorism at one end and extreme sacrifices at the other. We will take courage from the fallen heroes and take strengths from those who still go out to protest everyday despite all this. If we learned one thing during past two months, this is our fight and we can no longer wish for a saviour. Everybody must participate.
Last but not the least, our fight for democracy would not be as effective if it weren’t for brave members of CRPH and their mission ahead. And a parallel government requires a long list of factors to succeed that start with millions of cash. So, we would like to request all our readers to stand with CRPH and join our fight by making contribution for the committee here: https://charity.gofundme.com/donate/project/crph/citizenofburmaawardorganizationinc