Like global citizens, Myanmar people also suffered from Facebook’s outage last night, and people temporarily turned to Telegram as a source of information. Since Facebook’s popularity in Myanmar starting around 2010, it still remains as the most popular social media website. Therefore, people turning to other social media platforms during Facebook’s outage is something unheard of before the coup. In relation to that, one fundraising channel on Telegram which monetizes from users clicks on their website and donates the money for the revolution reported that the clicks surged with over 56,000 visitors and 160,000 views last night alone.
Another good news also emerges from National Unity of Government (NUG) that Myanmar citizens can start paying taxes online. According to Mizzima News, Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment (MoPFI) announced that taxpayers can calculate their own taxes, and pay the amount through a safe and secured online platform. After the payment has been made, each taxpayer will receive a unique identification number (UIN) along with a certificate from NUG. NUG said that the tax money will be spent on healthcare, education, and humanitarian assistance. Myanmar citizens also enthusiastically welcomed the news of NUG’s tax online payment system, and this could mark as another important milestone after NUG successfully launched Spring Lottery in August.
In the morning, Khit Thit Media reported that 12 local ward administrators have resigned from their positions in Katha township, Sagaing Region for the concerns of their safeties whereas the remaining ones in the region are also planning to resign soon. It means the administration mechanisms in the township have been halted. One ward administrator said that State Administration Council (SAC)’s appointed ward administrators felt their lives were at risk for accepting the positions and their families, relatives, and friends’ safeties were also not secured. SAC’s administration implementation plans in Sagaing Region, along with Magway, Chin, and Kachin States, have all become unsuccessful. Most ward administrators have resigned in these regions where resilient PDF forces are located. The Irrawaddy News also reported that some locals in Htee Chint township, Sagaing Region, issued statements that they were not military informants since they are fearful of being targeted by People Defense Forces (PDF).
Though there has been much positive news last night and this morning, bad news cannot be avoided since we are in the midst of military coup. The American Journalist Danny Fenster, managing editor of Frontier Myanmar, has been charged with Unlawful Associations Act. According to BBC News, he has been detained in notorious Insein Prison since 24th May when he was planning to go back to USA to visit his family and get vaccinated. Including Danny, there are about 100 journalists that have been arrested since the coup, and half has already been released. However, he still remains as being the only foreign reporter currently detained and interrogated by the military junta.
While State Administration Council’s subordinates police forces and soldiers fail to protect the citizens, people have turned to PDF for their safeties and well-beings. According to Zalen media based in Chin State, people’s administration forces have published rules and regulations for drug trafficking, murders, theft, sexual harassment against women, and land ownership issues in Mindat Township, Chin State. Therefore, Myanmar citizens can at least have a glimpse of hope for the justice as people’s administration forces punish against the crimes fairly. these forces are formed with CDM police forces who have previous experiences with laws as well.
PDFs’ attacks against the junta forces have escalated nationwide. DVB News reported that 8 policemen assigned to clear mines have been attacked in Inlaegyi village, Kantbalu township, Sagaing region on October 4 morning. A member of the attacking party said “We detonated land mines while 8 polices came into the village with 4 motorbikes, and they have been injured. However, we have not heard of any casualty from the police station yet.” Attacks against the junta forces also happened Yangon. TLPDF detonated a bomb in Thanlyin township of the capital city this morning at a checkpoint, which resulted in one death and injured two severely. As usual, more junta’s forces have been assigned, and roads have been blocked following the incident. In Yenangyaung, Magway State, a military-informant ward administrator U Mg Ko was shot 2 times, and hospitalized while the junta’s soldiers arrested two youths after the incident.
Karen National Union announced that 265 battles broke out between the junta’s army and KNLA in September, resulting in 234 deaths and 265 injuries from the opponents whereas KNLA lost 5 comrades and 10 were injured. Except for KNU Brigade 7 territory, fights took place across six other brigades. About 27 battles happened in Brigade 1, damaging seven military convoys at the expense of 73 soldiers and 63 injuries. KNLA operated guerrilla warfares on Brigade 2 twice and injured four junta’s forces whereas there were 14 clashes in Brigade 3, resulting in 50 soldiers’ deaths. In Brigade 4, five conflicts took place in Myeik/ Dawei District, killing nine from the regime’s army. About 213 of the skirmishes occurred in Brigade 5, the most among KNU controlled areas. According to KNU, a total of 136 were killed and 144 has injured from the enemy’s side. In KNU Brigade 6, six fights broke out and three were killed. Today, KNLA has killed 2 soldiers from junta’s army and Border Guard Force as they entered into KNU’s controlled areas. Karen Information Center reported that those killed were coming back from buying beers near Kyeik village in Kyarinseikkyi township, Kayin State.
The latest news of today came in from Naypyitaw that a parcel bomb exploded inside Criminal Investigation Department (CID), injuring four policemen including Lieutenant Colonel Zaw Than, Myanmar Now reported.