131We have reported for the last few days that the military has been continuously arresting young people across different townships in Myanmar. Last night, state-owned Myanmar Television announced that a total of 43 People Defense Force (PDFs) members and 8 people supporting PDFs have been arrested. They further stated that one youth has been caught dead during the arrest. All of them were arrested in relation to the famous shootings in Bargayar, Htantapin, Thanlyin bridge, and North Okkalapa Bridge of Yangon.
In Yesagyo Township of Magway Region, four supporters of National League for Democracy (NLD) were assassinated by a parcel bomb on the night of November 17. Around 10 p.m. on the night of the crime, two people delivered a parcel box into the house of Ko Aye Hlaing, and while opening the box, the bomb was triggered and four people were killed. The victims are Ko Aye Hlaing, his wife Daw Mar Mar Si, their daughter Ma Aye Thin, and their neighbor Daw Si. The locals said that the possible culprit for the bomb is Mar Tha, who is a Pyu-saw-htee (military’s lackey) member, and has cooperated with the soldiers for the assassination plan. According to DVB News, Ko Aye Hlaing actively participated in NLD election campaigns.
The junta army in major cities, such as Yangon and Mandalay, may be arbitrarily arresting civilians as most youths from urban cities are unarmed. However, when they have to fight in level playing field with armed PDFs, they suffer losses miserably. In Ka Tha Township and Tigyaing Township in Sagaing, and in Myaing Township in Magway, many skirmishes took place on November 17and 18, resulting in the death of over 10 soldiers. Around 3:40 pm on November 17 in Ka Tha township, fights occurred between the regime’s army and the joint forces of KIA and PDF. This clash resulted in five deaths and two injured for Min Aung Hlaing’s side whereas one PDF member was also injured though the wound was not very serious. On the early morning of November 18, local PDF planted a mine near the junction road of Mya Taung, and killed five soldiers on the convoy. Whereas in Magway, MVRF PDF force also detonated a bomb on Tun Mya Yadanar Road on the northern part of Myaing in Magway, and damaged one military convoy.
During the ten months reign of State Administration Council (SAC), the military’s terrorism acts towards its own civilians becomes more and more severe. According to Khit Thit Media, U Nyi Khin, who had been assisting internally displaced people was killed at the interrogation center in Pekon Township at the border of Shan and Kayah State. U Nyi Khin was arrested along with some youths on November 15 and died two days later. Moreover, another youth’s ear was also chopped out as he refused to tell the location of the internally displaced people’s camps location. Similarly, soldiers have also shot two civilians and burned the victims’ corpses in Tigyaing Township, Sagaing.
Karen National Union (KNU) reported that 87 battles with military forces and Border Guard Forces (BGFs) have happened in KNU Brigade 5 during November 1 to 15. The total casualties of the battle are 69 deaths on junta’s side, including one general. KNU further reported that the regime’s army and BGF had fired 31 heavy armed artilleries into the villages that killed an innocent civilian and injured four. Yesterday’s morning, Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) clashed against the SAC’s subordinates army and BGF 1013 Brigade that have invaded into Hpapon Ka-ma-maung road. During the battle, the regime forces shot aimlessly with their weapons, and that have resulted in the death of four buffalos and one cow from Pomarhae Village.
Near Pyawbwe city in Mandalay, a military train carrying the rations for its forces have been detonated with landmines, and two train staff were killed around 7 pm on November 17. The victims are claimed to be from Taungoo Railroad Department. The train was bombed on the railroad between Pyawbwe and Shwe Darr, and some parts of the train fell into the creek. The train driver and mechanic died on the spot while two other train staff are seriously injured. They are currently hospitalized as in-patients in Naypyitaw 1000 Bed hospital.
King Cobra Khin-U PDF announced that they had attacked five military’s servants today in Sagaing Region. Two of them are Sine Gaung villager U Myint and his wife Daw Htay Shin who were known for feeding the information of political activist to Pyu Saw Htee group, and occasionally hosted Pyu Saw Htee members for meals when they visited the village. Another one is Kalarluu villager Nyo Gyi, a member of Pyu Saw Htee, and actively recruiting for new members, while providing insights to the soldiers about the locations of politicians. The rest of the targets are Shwe Minn Wun villager Zaw Min Nyein and Moe Than Nyein, recent graduates of Pyu Saw Htee Group, and fed intel regarding the activities and movements of PDFs. For all of their actions to support the military, Khin Oo PDFs have shot and killed them.
The most heartbreaking news came in the evening that NLD’s prominent member, Phyo Zeyar Thaw has been reportedly abducted today during a raid of Yadanar Hninsi Housing, according to multiple news sources including Mizzima. Phyo Zeyar Thaw is arguably the junta’s most wanted man in the country since its forces have tirelessly put so much effort in pinning many attacks of Yangon on him. Many of us were led to believe that a high-ranking profile like himself was already safe in a liberated area. Majority of the country shares a great sadness in learning the news. Both Ko Jimmy and Phyo Zeyar Thaw are now in junta’s custody; that means the brains of Yangon’s activities have their hands tied. There is no point of sugarcoating at this stage and it’s a reality check for all of us that our revolution may be set to fail unless everyone of us steps forward and takes charge.