For various reasons, we couldn’t wait for the rains to stop. One is so that the resistance forces could take on the regime’s army without many logistics issues. So clashes have been anticipated as the rains start to slow down, but not at this level. We witnessed one of the most strategic and systematic offensives from the anti-regime forces in late October as Operation 1027 was launched. In a couple of days, the regime’s stations came crumbling down into the hands of the northern alliances.
As the situation gets accelerated, we are thinking of our frontline warriors on the battlefield right now. Since the early days of the coup, the PDF rangers in the making have been away from home, prioritizing the country’s future over individual lives. As it’s established now that Myanmar’s freedom from dictatorship will only come through armed means, the nation‘s hope for democracy unfairly relies on those young souls. May the time come soon enough when they get to eventually enjoy a warm cozy night alongside their loved ones, instead of watching over the shoulders and having to guard the entire populace’s fragile dreams.
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