We reported on September 25 that a group of four young people were shot, tortured and killed by junta’s forces in Sanchaung Township of Yangon in the early morning of the same day. In the video footage collected by Khit Thit media (people in that neighborhood are being investigated for leaking the video), three of the victims were seen to be dragged by regime’s soldiers onto the Myaenigone flyover before beaten until their last breath. Today, Khit Thit followed up with new findings that two of the victims on that day were identified as Doctor Zin Lin and Nurse Khin Khin Kywe, both of whom had joined Civic Disobedience Movement (CDM) and were volunteering as Covid frontliners in the community.
Dr. Zin Lin and Ma Khin Khin Kywe had actively participated in the peaceful protests since the early days of the coup; however, there was no concrete proof that they were involved with any sort of armed resistance. Junta’s newspapers mentioned that three of their forces were also killed during the raid which saw all four civilians dead. The story was dismissed by general public as soon as Khit Thit’s video footage emerged. Dr. Zin Lin wrote on Facebook back in late March that in case he faces the ultimate death while resisting the junta, he would ask two things from the public; firstly, not to blame the frontliners who sacrifice their lives for the country’s freedom even with the purest intentions; secondly, to continue and finish the journey in the footsteps of the fallen heroes. He also added that he would like the flag of National League for Democracy (NLD) to be draped over his casket.
Abduction news has significantly increased in many regions of the country in the recent days although internet cut off may delay some incidents to get coverage. Five teachers from Ta’ang Education Center (TEC) and one staff from the Ta’ang Students and Youth Union (TSYU) were abducted around noon on September 25 in Lashio Town of Shan State. Mai Aung Thet Oo from TSYU was taken because he had saved some of National Unity Government (NUG)‘s education data in his phone while five teachers from TEC were not given any proper cause for the arrests. U Zaw Wan Maung, a member of the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society was also abducted on 19 September and the family has not been informed of his whereabouts until today.
Clashes continue today in the villages of Pinlebu Township, Sagaing Region between regime’s soldiers and local people defense forces (PDF). Local sources said the villagers in the battle zone have fled to safe havens. Another encounter between junta’s forces and Chin Defense Forces (CDF) was recorded yesterday in Thantalang Town, Chin State where an hour-long battle saw at least five deaths from regime’s side. During a “clearance operation” carried out by State Administration Council (SAC) in Kani Township of Sagaing Region on 13 September, 16 soldiers joined the CDM movement according to DVB. Kani local sources told the agency that they only release the news as they have shipped those soldiers to the liberated areas.
NUG has been reporting daily warfare information on people’s defensive war and today’s report mentioned that 27 total attacks were designated on junta’s military front, administration front and business channels yesterday. Such attacks do not seem to decrease despite junta’s continuous atrocities. This morning at 7am, a bomb blasted in the police housing in Kyauktada Township near Sule Pagoda. 44st-UG and YADF claimed the responsibility. Although no major casualty was reported, junta’s thugs in plain clothes were seen carrying guns and angrily stopping cars for inspection in Taliban-inspired manners.
This afternoon, SAC’s forces reportedly entered Lay Kay Kaw Myothit in Karen State which is 10 miles south of Myawaddy Town within Karen National Union’s Brigade 6 territory. The Myothit was formed by Japanese Nippon Foundation under the former Thein Sein government as a peace establishment between KNU and then government. Locals found it terrifying that SAC’s forces trespassing KNU’s territory and fear for potential warfare. Recently, there was a bombing incident in the town which may have led to junta’s unwelcome visit, some assumed.
Among all those regime’s atrocities, the depreciation of Myanmar Kyats keeps breaking the internet which today plummet to 2,700 per USD. Gold price has also exceeded 2.2 million Kyat per tical and it has entered into the danger level according to market experts. In its desperate attempt to save face, SAC is set to order the ban of car imports this week until the end of the year. However, such action would only drive the car price higher and many see this as an attempt to make the cronies even richer instead of sincerely trying to counter Kyat depreciation.
Although experiencing junta’s oppression and economic woes every day, some of our people take their time to go out on the streets and protest peacefully. Three strikes in Mandalay were witnessed in tribute to Ko Fatty who was killed tragically by regime’s soldiers the previous day while young people in Yangon showed their defiance against junta with posters and slogans in certain parts of the city. More demonstrations were observed in many townships of Sagaing and Htawei, Shwebo, Lashio etc.