Sagaing Region become an active conflict area since the people have taken up arms to defend the regime’s attacks on civilians. Several local resistance forces were formed and launched attacks at the junta’s military forces. Yesterday in Taze township, two policemen Myo Htet Oo and Aung Thu Win were shot dead around 5pm, and Taze People Comrades (TPC) claimed responsibility. The incident angered the regime’s military, and as a retaliation, they carried out indiscriminate shooting and bomb blasts. Houses were raided and people were beaten up as they searched for culprits. A 21-year-old young man named Mg Khine Zaw from nearby village was shot dead by the regime’s forces, and his pal went missing. The terror show feared local civilians until this morning as they were afraid to operate their daily routines. This evening, DVB News reported that more than 20 young men were arrested, and security was tightened in Taze.
In another part of Sagaing region, Pale-Yinmabin Coalition people defense force (PDF) announced that five clashes took place between them and junta’s forces from August 22 to September 5 in Pale township. The clashes killed 32 soldiers from the regime side and injured two from the Pale-Yinmabin Coalition PDF. The PDF said that they had to defend civilians from the regime’s forces because junta’s soldiers ransacked and destroyed more than 30 villages in two weeks’ time. Since the resistance forces are strong in Sagaing Region, more junta’s forces are reinforced and targeted civilians as retaliation. In Monywa, lower part of Sagaing, the regime’s soldiers entered Lezin township in search of two PDF members yesterday as they received tips from dalans/informants. However, they ended up arresting eight innocent civilians, including an underage boy instead of PDF members.
Although the regime tries its best to suppress the resistance forces, the continuous attacks on regime’s establishments prove otherwise. Last night in Hakha town, Chin State, an armed group launched attack at the state’s government office around 11.30pm. Gunfires were exchanged for fewer than 30 minutes, and killed three regime’s soldiers according to a Hakha local. In Magway Region, Myothit township, a bomb blast took place at township police housing this morning according Beikthano PDF. Around 11am, a military truck was dynamited in Amarapura township of Mandalay, near the famous Taung Thaman Lake. A witness told Khit Thit media that two soldiers were taken with ambulance but their condition was unknown.
In other news, Progressive Karenni People Force (PKPF) announced today that more than 60 clashes broke out in Karenni State since the coup on February 1, more than 124 civilians were abducted and charged for incitement and associating with unlawful organisations. Due to heavy artillery attacks and raids, 83 innocent civilians were killed, five places of worship were destroyed, and 243 houses were also left in ruins. Currently, the regime’s Light Infantry Division 66 and 66, and militia groups which follow orders from the regime actively engage with local Karenni forces.
We reported previously that the regime clashed with Kokang’s Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) in Mongko area these days although it was defeated frequently. Today, it was reported that battles broke out in Hpaung Sai village as early as 7am. According to the Kokang news, the junta’s forces flew drones to gather information of MNDAA troops. The clash broke out only a day after the MNDAA made a joint announcement with Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Arakan Army (AA) to reduce military operations for the safety of the public who suffered from deathly pandemic and active conflicts.
Attempting to end violence, ASEAN special envoy Erywan Yusof told Kyodo Online News that he requested a four-month long ceasefire to junta appointed foreign minister Wunna Maung Lwin until the end of 2021 so that humanitarian aid could be delivered. He said his request was accepted, but he couldn’t even make his way to Myanmar yet so things certainly were not so promising for Mr. Yusof.
While ASEAN chose to engage with the military regime only, people of Myanmar showed overwhelming support to the National Unity Government (NUG) despite the junta’s everyday atrocities. Protests were seen in big cities and small towns, showing people’s rejection towards the mad military dogs and demanding the UN and ASEAN to recognise the NUG. Unlike the ASEAN, we hope the UN doesn’t turn a blind eye to our will.
To end today’s update in a good note, winning tickets are being announced for NUG’s Raffle Tickets event. If you have bought the tickets, make sure to check it out, and good luck! (Although we are extremely curious about the way large paintings will be delivered to the winners inside the country.)