August 2022

August 1, 2022

The military council announced the extension of the state of emergency for another six months.

August 3, 2022

The regime provided weapons to pro-military supporters with a “handover ceremony”in Aung Myay Tharzan Township, Mandalay. Clashes between junta troops and Kachin Independence Army in N’Wan Kawng displaced about 100 people to take refuge in Sadone Baptist Church, and people were in need of food and medical supplies. UNOCHA said that the junta's restrictions on transportation of essential goods such as food and medical supplies hindered provision of humanitarian assistance to refugees and IDPs in Chin State, Sagaing Region, Karenni (Kayah) State, Magway Region, and Bago Region.

August 4, 2022

A local research group in Tanintharyi Region, Southern Monitor reported on August 4 that at least 214 civilians had been killed, 89 injured and at least 17,415 people had to flee their homes in the 18 months since the February 2021 military coup. In addition, the report said 93 homes in the region were destroyed in arson attacks over the same period. Dr. Htar Htar Lin, director of Covid-19 vaccination program under the NLD government, was in a police car accident, fracturing her shoulder.

August 5, 2022

The junta-controlled Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) issued a notification with immediate effect that allowed businesses to exchange only 65% from 100% previously, and announced its new mandatory exchange rate of 2,100 MMK per dollar, which used to be 1,850 MMK. The regime announced that it had opened a legal case against Thin Zaw Wint Kyaw and Nang Mwe San, two of the most popular Myanmar models for allegedly damaging the country’s culture by distributing sexually exploitive pictures on Onlyfans Website. In early hours, more than 5000 youth fought for the level four test forms of the Japanese language proficiency (JLPT N4) examination scheduled in December. The Myanmar Association of Japan Alumni (MAJA) canceled the selling of test forms upon seeing the crowd, the military showed up and arrested at least 10 youths.

August 6, 2022

U Naing Htoo Aung, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Defense, the National Unity Government (NUG), said that rewards will be provided to junta soldiers who defect with anti- aircraft weapons. Singapore’s Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said to the reporters following the ASEAN foreign ministers’ meeting that there is real danger that the coup in Myanmar has been leading toward a civil war, with no positivity seen from the junta to implement the five-point consensus.

August 7, 2022

Workers who are from Sagaing and Magway region, as shown in the National Registration Card (NRC), have been fired from their jobs in the factories in Yangon. In total, it is estimated that around hundreds have been fired due to their conflict hotbed origins. Myanmar ambassador to China U Myo Thant Pe passed away in Kunming due to heart failure.

August 8, 2022

Commemoration protests were observed in the spirit of the historical 8.8.88 demonstration that saw thousands of protesters shot dead by the former military. Protesters these days in Myanmar, including Burmese people around the world have been staging protests in the spirit of 8.8.88 and calling for an end to dictatorship and military violence. Clashes between the Shanni Nationalities Army and the joint alliance of PDFs and Kachin Independence Army have been escalating in Kachin State’s Hpakant Township. Over 3,000 residents had been displaced to six villages about 25 miles away from home since August 8.

August 9, 2022

In Japan, Revolution Tokyo Myanmar and Five Star FC Japan led a fundraising football match at Yokohama Aoba Sky field inviting more than 48 men teams and four women teams.

August 10, 2022

UNOCHA reported that 162 civilians had been killed by landmines and explosive remnants of war between January and May of 2022.

August 11, 2022

Kun Francisco, the president of Kayan Literature and Culture Committee was shot twice and killed by two unknown gunmen on his way home in Pekon, the border town and Shan and Kayah states. Twelve international organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Save the Children, World Vision International among others addressed the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing as prime minister of the Government of Myanmar, calling him for an expansion of the right to education for children. Justice for Myanmar, in its latest report, disclosed that a total of 116 companies act as arm brokers for the Myanmar military, most of the companies in the list operated outside Myanmar, and a third of them are subsidiaries or associated to companies based in Singapore. RFA Burmese reported that more than 12,000 civilians from nearly two dozen villages fled their homes, and at least 29 civilians and resistance fighters were killed in junta raids between August 1-8 in Tabayin, Myinmu and Monywa townships, Sagaing Region. The regime used both aerial and infantry attacks at civilians from Yin Paung Taing Village in the southern part of Sagaing Region, destroying the entire village and killing at least 18 people, including a 10-year-old girl.

August 12, 2022

Myanmar Now reported that MP Watanabe from Japan arrived in Naypyidaw and had a meeting with the military council. Nikkei Asia Review reported that the purpose of the Japanese parliamentarian was to discuss the release of the detained Japanese filmmaker. Myanmar migrant workers from Samut Sakhorn, Thailand held a football match with groups from four different factories and raised funds for the PDF. The football match was led by the Thailand Myanmar Royal Dragon Army Defense Local Support Group TDSG (MRDA)

August 13, 2022

A total of 386 local and international NGOs and CSOs condemned the statement which addressed the junta “prime minister” for it can be connoted as legitimation of his power siege, demanded formal apology towards the public of Myanmar, and requested to engage with the civilian-elected National Unity Government (NUG). In the liberated area in Kachin State, youth groups, student unions and civil societies together with the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs (MOWYA) held an International Youth Day event with video conference. Myanmar citizens in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) also organized a football match and raised more than 3,100,000 MMK. Arakan Army (AA) and regime forces encountered in three separate areas in Rakhine State: in the north and south of Maungdaw Township, and near Rathedaung Township.

August 14, 2022

Myanmar citizens held a football match in Bangphi, Bangkok, to raise funds in order to support People Defense Forces (PDF) inside the country. Workers Union from Myanmar Paung Chein factory which produced Adidas shoes demanded a raise on basic salary: from MMK 4800 to MMK8000. According to a statement released by the Karen National Union, recent military operations in Mon State and Bago Region have displaced a total of 154,866 civilians from Mon State’s Thaton District and Bago Region;s Nyaunglebin Township. The combined forces of Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and PDF mounted an assault on the regime’s outpost manned by Infantry Unit 366 in Pinlebu Town, killing more than 30 soldiers of the regime.

August 15, 2022

The junta-court sentenced the detained leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi with four more corruption charges with six years jail time in addition to the existing 11 years of imprisonment. According to an AP news report, the transaction for sales of oil and gas to China was unable to proceed due to the EU sanction. Ko Kyaw Khant, the leader of Ywarngan Urban Guerilla (YUG) and Ko Myat Min, the leader of Taunggyi PDF were abducted by the junta’s forces at a camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) inside a monastery in Taunggyi, Shan State.

August 16, 2022

UN Special Envoy to Myanmar Dr Noeleen Heyzer made her first visit to Myanmar, and held meetings with junta leader Min Aung Hlaing, and junta-appointed foreign minister Wunna Maung Lwin the next day. Her request to meet detained Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was denied.

August 17, 2022

During the press conference by the military, spokesperson Zaw Min Tun said that Myanmar and Russia planned to open consulate offices in each other’s country. The Bank of China refused to handle payments in euros to Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise for its concerns of violating the EU sanctions.

August 18, 2022

In the post-trip statement, Dr Heyzer said that this trip was to express the UN’s concern and to de-escalate the violence inside the country. She also said that her visit and dialogue with the military did not legitimize the regime. The junta’s forces have been reportedly conducting an offensive in Myawaddy Township, Karen State via multiple routes. At first, airstrikes were conducted near Phayargone, the south of Myawaddy Town at the night of August 18, followed by a ground operation including heavy artillery on the next day from morning to night.

August 20, 2022

The military regime forced to retire two renown ministers, and the leadership of the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM), and reshuffled the cabinet with little changes. In Kachin’s Hpakant township, people took to the streets to protest in remembrance of the one- year-anniversary of the internet shutdown in Hpakant township, imposed by the junta. A new 50-bed hospital for the people was founded in Falam, Chin State by the Chin National Organization (CNO). News of Yangon Revolution Facebook page announced that the military detained youths from Insein Township who staged 8888 Umbrella protests on August 8. They are now being held at an interrogation center.

August 21, 2022

Khit Thit Media reported that the military planned to construct housing for Air Force personnel for airmen no longer dared to live outside the military bases, and all the permits for the Air Force housing project are granted to Sky One Company, owned by Min Aung Hlaing’s son Aung Pyae Sone.

August 22, 2022

At a meeting in Naypyidaw, murderer-in-cheif Min Aung Hlaing suggested that if ethnic armed organizations (EAO) that have signed the Nationalwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) join the Myanmar military or its Border Guard Force (BGF), they will not be asked to surrender their weapons. The regime-controlled Supreme Court gave a verdict to auction off the detained leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s home, No. 54 University Avenue Road. The eldest son of Aung San family U Aung San Oo called to auction off the lakeside residence and share the proceeds, while the younger sister wanted to turn it into a museum.

August 24, 2022

Vicky Bowman, former British ambassador, and her husband Artist Htein Lin were arrested by the regime on the night. They are now remanded and will be charged for breaching of immigration law. OCHA Myanmar issued a statement that the ongoing fighting between the regime forces and Arakan Army (AA) have restricted the transport of medicines and food rations as security tightened in Chin State’s Paletwa Township and Rakhine State’s Maungdaw Township. The military-controlled tribunal inside Oh-bo Prison in Mandalay sentenced the former photojournalist Ko Zaw Zaw to three years imprisonment.

August 25, 2022

Local and international communities remember the Rohingya Genocide Remember Day. This year, Rohingya leaders and activists held an online seminar to remember the tragic event of mass killing where Malaysia’s foreign minister, and US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet were among the speakers. The Federal Foreign Office of Germany released a statement remembering the ethnic cleansing carried out by the Myanmar military, and announced that Germany will now intervene in the court proceedings before the ICJ. The UK government announced a new round of sanctions to remember the fifth anniversary of the military’s “ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya”. Three new military-linked companies hit the list.

August 27, 2022

Political prisoners in Insein Prison leaked a request letter to family members and donors not to send military-related products for them. The junta-controlled Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) declared that exchanging foreign currencies with market rate, and selling-buying foreign currencies including US dollars illegal. If civilians/businesses are found selling/purchasing foreign currencies, they will be charged with Foreign Currency Management Law.

August 29, 2022

Myanmar Now reported that pro-military thug group Pyu Saw Htee has been recruiting and operating in outskirt and underdeveloped parts of Yangon, in order to defeat urban guerrilla resistance forces.

August 30, 2022

Myanmar Now’s report said that due to the multiple warfront all over the country, the military no longer allows retirement from the military, even those who are infected with infectious disease. Although the regime declared it illegal for selling/exchanging foreign currencies at market rate, local airlines which are somehow connected with the military such as MAI and Air KBZ used an exchange rate which is slightly lower than market rate for its ticket sales.


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