July 2022

July 1, 2022

Two civilians from Palatwa Town of Chin State have been detained by the regime for more than a month, claiming that the detainees were associated with the Arakan Army (AA).

July 2, 2022

Regime forces launched airstrikes on Chat Village in Mindat Township, Chin State, for two times in close rage, killing two civilians and injuring many.

July 4, 2022

CNN reported that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who arrived in Myanmar to attend the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, called on the Myanmar junta to have dialogue with the opposition forces. The regime’s fighter jets dropped bombs on one of the stations of Arakan Army (AA) in the territory of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Bridge 5 in Karen State, killing six soldiers from AA.  New Zealand announced that it would boycott the counter-terror meeting which was set to be held on July 20-21, hosted jointly by Russia and Myanmar.

July 5, 2022

The NLD issued a statement which said that the party would not reopen its offices and resume the party activities despite requests from some party members. While several leaders are under detention and the entire country continues to defy the military regime, the statement says that it would be an insult to them if the party restarts the operations.  The Indian nationals, who were visiting Tamu Town, Sagaing Region in Myanmar,  were reportedly killed by junta-backed vigilante groups. Junta’s spokesperson blamed the death on local PDFs. The junta called tenders for six hydro plant projects in Kachin State, Eastern Shan State, Kayah (Karenni) State, and Mandalay Region.

July 6, 2022

ASEAN Special Envoy Prak Sakhoon told media that junta Min Aung Hlaing revealed three preconditions for political dialogue, which include the 2008 Constitution as a foundation for peace dialogue and no abolishment of State Administration Council, during his second visit to Myanmar.

July 7, 2022

Student Armed Force, People Independence Organization, People Liberation Force, and People Revolution Force (West) issued a statement remembering General Ne Win’s crackdown on Yangon University students and explosion of Students’ Union building in the university compound. U Aung San Lin, a reporter of Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) was sentenced to six years in jail by the military tribunal.

July 8, 2022

In Yesagyo Township of Magway Region, a member of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) was abducted by the regime soldiers. The PDF member, carrying explosives for his force, blew himself up while in detention, killing 15 junta soldiers. The National Unity Government (NUG)’s Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung rejected that the regime’s preconditions are impractical, and the parallel government will not consider.

July 9, 2022

The NLD issued a statement which rejects the junta’s upcoming election, claiming it is yet another attempt for the regime to fool the public and international community.  Final examinations for basic education students were held in Yinmabin District of Sagaing Region under the supervision of the NUG, where about 600 students took the exam, and 55 volunteer-teachers including 18 CDM teachers taught the students.

July 10, 2022

During his visit to Thailand, US Foreign Secretary Antony Blinken met with Myanmar democratic activists in exile and reiterates US support towards Myanmar’s democracy movement and vows to pressure the junta further.  Junta Min Aung Hlaing began his trip to Russia, where he signed an MoU with the Russian atomic energy agency concerning “cooperation in training and skills development in the field of nuclear energy and shaping positive public opinion on nuclear energy in Myanmar”.

July 11, 2022

Over 100 homes from Tha Pyay Aye village in Sagaing Region’s Yinmarbin Township were torched after being attacked by junta forces’ air strike.

July 12, 2022

Deemawso-PDF and members of Student Union brought textbooks and notebooks from the school in a conflict area to 12 schools that are providing education to displaced children around Deemawso, Karenni state.

July 13, 2022

Junta-administered Central Bank announced that all Myanmar nationals and businesses to withhold payables to foreign nationals and businesses until a new order authorizing repayment is approved. Junta-media announced that U Kaung Thaik Soe, founder of Kaung For You, an alternative education platform and two other teachers who joined Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) were detained in southern Shan State.

July 15, 2022

The Military-controlled Central Bank ordered local banks to convert all foreign currency holdings, inclusive of business and individual accounts, into Myanmar Kyat with the rate lower than the market rate.

July 16, 2022

Saw Nedah Mya, former commander of Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO), announced that a new Karen armed ground, Kawthoolei Army, has been founded.  Myanmar Now reported that the junta administration ordered that no aid organization is allowed to travel beyond the Kyee Kan Pyin Border Guard Commanding Office in Maungdaw Township, Rakhine State.

July 17, 2022

Two young detainees in Insein Prison formally requested to pay homage on Martyrs Day on July 19. Their request was responded with a brutal beat-up.

July 18, 2022

Indonesia, leading ASEAN this year, hosted talks in Jakarta from November 20-22 involving Myanmar’s stakeholders. There was confusion over the engagement with the military regime’s representatives. The NUG clarified it hadn’t engaged with them but participated in discussions with the Special Envoy’s Office. On November 25, the NUG’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated its commitment to removing the military dictatorship, emphasizing support for the people’s will and pro-democracy alliances.nnJustice For Myanmar (JFM) demanded an inquiry into Cornerstone Resources (Myanmar) Limited, linking an Australian-associated mining firm to Myanmar military dealings, violating UK sanctions.n

July 19, 2022

Protests of various forms took place to commemorate the Martyrs’ Day when the leaders of the independence movement of Burma were assassinated in 1947. Small scale protests and anti- coup campaigns were observed from the north to south.

July 20, 2022

The Karen National Union (KNU), parent organization of KNDO, denounced the formation of Kawthoolei Army, and disassociated itself from the newly formed armed ground and Saw Nedah Mya. According to Reuters’ exclusive report, Qatar-based telecom company Ooredoo plans to pull out its business from Myanmar. Talks have been initiated with prospect buyers to sell the company. Myanmar Now reported that 30 more teachers were traced and detained following the arrest of Kaung For You school founder.

July 21, 2022

TotalEnergies announced a complete pullout from Myanmar which was effective on July 20, 2022 citing that the company can no longer provide positive contributions in Myanmar. The World Bank estimated in its Myanmar Economic Monitor, that Myanmar’s economy will witness 3% growth despite the 18% contraction last year. The report further elaborated that livelihoods will continue to be severely strained, and about 40% of the population is living below the national poverty line in 2022.

July 22, 2022

Resistance leaders Ko Jimmy and Ko Phyo Zeyar Thaw received a family visit for the first time since their arrest in 2021. They met with their families via videoconferencing, not in person, from different buildings inside the Insein Prison compound.  Myanmar Now reported that the detained leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been suffering extreme weather and temperature in Naypyidaw prison, and getting visibly thinner than before within one month of solitary confinement. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled to proceed with the court case of Myanmar’s genocide against the Rohingya community. After the preliminary hearings started in December 2019, Myanmar will now face years-long legal battle. Human Rights Watch (HRW)’s official Teppei Kasai tweeted that the Japan Ministry of Foreigh Affairs invited the junta to former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s state funeral which is scheduled to be held on September 27, 2022, “paving the way for the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing to possibly visit Japan”. Junta-controlled Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) instructed local banks to convert all the remaining US dollar balances in banks owned by businesses, organizations and individuals to Myanmar kyats by 6pm of July 22.  A minor explosion occurred in the car parking of PTTEP’s Yangon office.  The Thailand-based petroleum exploration and production company has been heavily criticized for coordinating with the junta in many investments; it has recently purchased all the shares of TotalEnergies which pulled out its operation.

July 25, 2022

Junta media announced that it had executed resistance leaders Ko Jimmy, Ko Phyo Zeyar Thaw and two other civilians Ko Hla Myo Aung and Ko Aung Thura Zaw who received death sentences in January. The execution was said to have been carried out on July 23, and the families did not receive dead bodies nor a chance to hold funerals.  Detainees in Insein Prison protested inside to show dismay at the execution of resistance leaders. The prison wardens and a military official responded to the protest with brutal beat-up and solitary confinement.  An internal document from the junta’s department of IT and the special investigation department revealed that nearly 200 companies will be screened for their association to the revolution, Myanmar Now report.

July 27, 2022

A group of pro-military thugs gathered and threw stones at the residents of Ko Jimmy and Zayar Thaw, who were executed by the military on July 23. The thug group shouted and threatened that they would kill the entire family.  A five-year-old child was killed during the military’s artillery shelling in a village in Pauk Township, Magway Region.

July 28, 2022

NUG’s president Duwa Lashi La broadcast an emergency speech, condemning the execution of democratic activists and announcing the accelerated military operations. He addressed the international community that the execution proved that the military junta continued to insult the intervening attempts made by ASEAN, UN and others, and as long as the military is in power, the country will never be at peace. He also requested ethnic armed groups to cooperate with the people’s fight against the fascist military regime.

July 29, 2022

Military supporters rallied at downtown Yangon in support of the execution of democracy activists, former militaryman and USDP parliamentarian Bullet Hla Swe gave a speech which justified the execution of Ko Jimmy and Zayar Thaw.  June 30 Malaysian FM Saifuddin Abdullah said that the regime’s execution of democracy activists is a “crime against humanity”. Myanmar diaspora groups in Melbourne, Australia and Seoul, South Korea rallied and protested against the regime’s execution of democracy activists.


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