February 2022

February 1, 2022

The entire nation participated in the Silent Strike to mark that one year of life under the military coup. In Kyaukpadaung Township of Mandalay Region, a man set himself on fire to protest in front of an electricity supply office with a note which said, “May the people get 24 hours electricity. We don’t want to go back to 2001/2002”.

February 3, 2022

In Mandalay City, regime soldiers forcibly cut off electricity cables in response to the electricity bill boycott by the people. In Madura Village, Myinmu Township of Sagaing Region, junta soldiers arrested and killed three villagers.

February 4, 2022

31 Myanmar migrant workers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were pressed charges for protesting in front of the Myanmar Embassy according to NLD Malaysia representatives. Regime forces launched heavy artillery shelling to So Baw The village of Demoso Township in Karenni State, injuring four civilians and destroying two homes and a church. A clash broke out in Maungdaw Township of Rakhine State as the regime troops entered Arakan Army (AA)’s territory.

February 5, 2022

Junta forces burned down NLD parliamentarian U Naing Naing Win’s house in Tamu Township, Sagaing Region. Myanmar Now reported that regime forces torched hundreds of civilian homes in four villages, and killed four civilians during the raids from February 3 to 5 in Pale Town of Sagaing Region.

February 6, 2022

Regime troops clashed against AA in three different locations in Maungdaw Township. Katha PDF and junta forces clashed in Katha Township, near the border of Sagaing Region and Kachin State, from 9am to 12pm. Local PDF said that at least 20 regime soldiers were killed, but only two resistance fighters were injured. Junta invited all ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), NCA signatories and non-signatories alike to have a peace dialogue.

February 7, 2022

KNU’s spokesperson said that the EAO has no interest since the military has already broken the NCA. A Myanmar citizen/Telenor user filed a complaint against Telenor Group with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority for breaching the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU by selling the company to a military-linked company including the data of 18 million users. Regime forces launched aerial attacks at eight villages in Ye-U Township of Sagaing Region on February 6 and 7, displacing nearly 10,000 people from the villages. Regime forces in Chin State carried out artillery shelling along Mindat-Matupi highway road, killing a 7th grader who was taking shelter.

February 8, 2022

Political prisoners inside Yangon’s Insein Prison boycotted food provided by the prison from February 1, and planned to continue till February 12, to show solidarity with the people outside who staged the Silent Strike on February 1. The detainees survived on dried food provided by their families. In Kalay Town of Sagaing Region, U Aung Lwin Oo, 53, was beaten up and arrested by junta soldiers on February 1, and died during the interrogation. He was cremated on February 8 according to Myanmar Now. Demoso, Hpruso and Loikaw townships in Karenni State experienced mobile phone services and internet connection after February 1.

February 9, 2022

KNU reiterated junta personnel, and regime troops, including Border Guard Force (BGF) soldiers and their families to leave KNU territories.

February 10, 2022

In Karenni State, three clashes broke out in one day, destroying civilian homes and a church. An artillery shell also fell into an IDP camp, and injured a man. Nine students from Hpa-an University and one car driver were accused of en route to a liberated area to receive military training. Junta court sentenced 12 years of imprisonment.

February 11, 2022

Two dead bodies, burned beyond recognition, were found in 3 Mile Pa Kye Village in Loikaw Township, according to Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF). NUG’s acting president Duwa Lashi La wrote an open letter to Norway Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store to intervene in the sale of Telenor Myanmar to a junta-linked company.

February 12, 2022

The coup leader Min Aung Hlaing hosted a Union Day event with North-Korean style parades in Naypyidaw. The public agreed not to post anything about the event so that it would not get attention. Junta released 26 civilians who were arrested as suspects from the Arakan Army (AA). Some of them were detained for nearly three years.

February 13, 2022

Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO) reported that junta forces torched Thantlang Town of Chin State as a retaliation for its lieutenant general stepping on a landmine and losing a limb.

February 14, 2022

Nahtogyi PDF announced that it launched two artillery shells to regime soldiers who were providing security at the China-Myanmar gas pipeline control factory in Nahtogyi Town. Japan based Kirin Brewery Company announced to withdraw the operation once it has terminated partnership with military conglomerate MEHL.

February 15, 2022

After the PDF’s attack at the pipeline control factory, regime soldiers raided a village nearby and arrested 24 villagers. Moebye PDF from Shan State told Myanmar Now that the regime deployed 200-300 troops and two armor vehicles in Moebye Town, which is only a four-hour drive away from Naypyidaw.

February 16, 2022

A military plane crashed in southern Sagaing Region, and killed the pilot. Junta media announced that the crash was caused by “technical failure”. Two students from Dawei University received seven years of jail time for donating money to PDF, junta court sentenced. Norway’s Minister for Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre told the Norwegian parliament that it was unable to stop Telenor’s transfer of users’ data to the military-linked company.

February 17, 2022

Fighting intensified between Moebye PDF and junta forces. Junta troops launched seven aerial attacks, and injured seven civilians. Youth leader Ko Nan Lin, who has been in contact with detained political prisoners, received a letter from Insein Prison which said that the prison warden does not provide adequate healthcare for detainees who came from interrogation centers with severe injury and wounds. NLD and SNLD refused to disclose the political parties’ financial records, fundings and inventory list to the regime. Battle broke out between junta soldiers, Pyu Saw Htee members and local resistance forces in Khin-U Town of Sagaing Region.

February 18, 2022

Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) Battalion-2 released that 15 resistance fighters died in the clashes in Moebye. People’s Force resistance group announced that it launched a guerrilla attack at the military air base in Hmawbi Township, Yangon Region.

February 19, 2022

Denko petrol station, owned by prominent crony U Chit Khaing, in Hpa-an Town was reportedly blown up by resistance fighters. Two local PDF groups operated an attack at an army base in Pakokku Town of Magway Region. In Pay Le Village, Kantbalu Township of Sagaing Region, six civilians were killed after the raid by regime soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members. All Burma Federation of Students Union (ABFSU) released that three detainees in their 20s, one female and two males, were reportedly raped during interrogation in Mandalay Palace interrogation center.

February 20, 2022

In the aftermath of PDF’s attack at the gas pipeline, 20 more villagers from a nearby village were detained. A total of 25 villagers are in detention as retaliation.

February 22, 2022

Anti-regime forces organized “Regathering for Six Twos Revolution” (22.2.2022). EU imposed sanctions on Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) which is the main income source for the junta. The sanction also included 22 junta personnel, state-owned No. 1 Mining Enterprise, privately owned Htoo and IGE company groups.

February 23, 2022

Due to the airstrike launched by junta forces, three civilians died and five injured in Nan Mae Khon Town of Karenni State. In Pathein Prison, detainees chanted “Revolution must win” to honor the Six Twos protest on February 22. Five leaders received solitary confinement for leading the act of defiance.

February 24 2022

Regime forces launched aerial attacks at Nan Mae Khon for the second day. In Kalay Town of Sagaing Region, a 40-year-old Chin woman and her two teenage daughters were detained by junta soldiers, and the next day, burned bodies were discovered by Chinland Defense Force (CDF). A lieutenant general from the regime’s military joined CDM, which marked the highest ranked military personnel switching sides. In an interview with Voice of America Burmese Section, junta’s spokesperson said that the SAC supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

February 25, 2022

The NUG condemned “the unprovoked act of war directed against Ukraine” and showed solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Myanmar Now reported that the junta has formed and armed 80 groups of Pyu Saw Htee in Sagaing Region according to leaked meeting minutes. Yangon Revolution Force confirmed that a young man was arrested after this morning’s guerrilla protest in Yankin Township although the detainee was not a part of the protest.

February 26, 2022

During the military training completion ceremony in Yinmarbin Township of Sagaing Region, the regime’s choppers dropped 50 troops. The soldiers raided and torched villages nearby, and took about 80 kindergarten children as hostages.

February 28, 2022

Children taken as hostages in Chin Pone Village of Yinmarbin Township were released, but nine dead bodies, including the body of a 19-year-old woman, were discovered.


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