March 2022

March 1, 2022

The National Unity Government (NUG) said it will auction off 25 military-owned properties in Yangon to raise money for the benefit of the country’s people.

March 2, 2022

The regime has released five celebrities who were jailed for their anti-coup activities on March 2 and said the celebrities were pardoned so that they can use their art to help with “nation building”.

March 3, 2022

The regime cut off the internet in 33 townships of Sagaing Regions as battles with People’s Defense Forces continue to intensify.

March 4, 2022

About 100 junta’s troops raided two villages in Sagaing Region, and killed at least nine civilians and detained two children and one woman.

March 5, 2022

Arakan Army (AA)’s spokesperson said if political aims of the Rakhine people cannot be achieved in current political space, they would build their own nation with the help of the international community.

March 6, 2022

The regime announced that 24-hour power outages will be imposed in some parts of the country from March 12 to 18 due to pipeline repairs at the Shwe offshore gas field.

March 7, 2022

Inmates with COVID-19 symptoms in Mandalay’s Obo Prison were denied medical treatment according to relatives and people assisting political prisoners.

The KNU released a statement that the regime’s soldiers and KNU’s army KNLA under Bridge 5 clashed over 300 times last month, resulting in the deaths of 136 SAC’s troops and 10 KNLA’s soldiers.

The junta announced that it decided to strip the citizenships away from eight NUG cabinet members and three activists/lobbyists. The reason apparent is “illegally leaving the country and harming the interest of the state”. Chairman of the Nippon Foundation, Yohei Sasakawa, Japan’s special envoy for national reconciliation in Myanmar met with leaders of ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) as well as the representatives from The Statement of Peace Process Steering Team individually in Thailand’s Chiang Mai.

March 9, 2022

US-based non-profit Forest Trends reported that, between February to November 2021, Myanmar’s timber export amounts over US$190mil, with US$36mil exported towards US, UK and EU which have already put Myanmar timber under sanction.

March 10, 2022

Ko Mya Aye, 8888 Generation Leader, was charged with section 505c of the Penal Code for “inciting hate towards an ethnicity or a community” and received a two-year imprisonment.

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on human rights situations in Myanmar, which called for the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing to fully respect the outcome of the democratic elections held in November 2020, to release President U Win Myint, State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners, reinstate the civilian government and to take steps to establish a dialogue and reconciliation with all parties concerned.

Chairman of the Nippon Foundation, Yohei Sasakawa, Japan’s special envoy for national reconciliation in Myanmar met with leaders of ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) as well as the representatives from The Statement of Peace Process Steering Team individually in Thailand’s Chiang Mai.

March 11, 2022

Five youths including Mg Wathan were violently beaten and arrested at their apartment in Thaketa Township. Four were released two days later with tortured wounds all over their bodies: however, 32-year-old Mg Wathan was said to be killed while under interrogation.

March 12, 2022

Junta forces bulldozed shops at the Mine Nar Kwin compound in Taunggu, Bago.Those shops have been paying license fees to operate their business in the area. No compensation was given, and all the belongings were taken.

The KNU said that, in Karen State, more than 100,000 people have fled the fighting since the military coup on February 1, 2021, and the renewed fighting in December 2021 have displaced more than 70,000 people, and by end of February 2021, the total number is reaching 200,000.

March 13, 2022

Daw Ngan Khar Village from Demoso Township, Karenni State was targeted once again with airstrikes and artillery shelling by SAC’s soldiers, forcing Karenni Nationality Defense Forces (KNDF) to temporarily retreat from its strategic position in the region.

March 15, 2022

The regime’s forces reportedly opened fire on prisoners of conscience in Kalay Prison, Sagaing Region, killing at least eight and injuring seventeen.

March 16, 2022

The Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) announced that the number of people displaced by fighting between the military troops and Karenni armed groups in Karenni State has reached nearly 200,000.

March 17, 2022

The military court has sentenced 15 youths, including Dagon University students Ma Saung Lay Pyay and Ko Naing Aung, to the highest sentences. Saung Lay Pyay was given a death penalty while Naing Aung was slapped with life sentence.

The regime painted over a giant mural at Myaynigone flyover in Yangon, the popular spot among youths. The mural was an art project from 2016 in collaboration with the NLD government and the Embassy of France.

March 18, 2022

The Australian government provided asylum to two defectors from the Myanmar military. The two former soldiers, who rejected the military coup, have been under the protection of the Australian government since January, 2022.

The sale of Telenor Myanmar telecom was finalized and the transfer towards Investcom, a partnership owned by Shwe Byain Phyu, a local company with military ties and a Lebanese M1 Group.

March 19, 2022

Regime’s troops fired heavy artillery towards a religious celebration at a pagoda in Kyaunttaung Village of Thaton Township, Mon State, killing three civilians including a child and two women and wounded at least seven.

Monk-turned-resistance-leader Bo Thanmadi of Yinmabin PDF admitted killing 21 fellow resistance soldiers in the name of cleansing Dalans in the region during the period of October 27 to March 2.

March 21, 2022

ASEAN Special Envoy Prak Sokhonn began his 3-day visit to Myanmar. During the visit he met with the junta Min Aung Hlaing, his cabinet members and others handpicked by the junta to meet, and none from his opposition.

SAC arrested crony businessman U Khin Shwe and his son Zay Thiha of ZayKabar Company. The father and son were charged under the Protection and Preservation of Ancient Buildings Law.

U.S. Foreign Secretary Anthony Blinken remarked that the atrocities committed by Myanmar military on the Rohingya people amounts to genocide.

March 23, 2022

SAC arrested Minister of Commerce for the Yangon Region U Aung Than Oo, and Yangon Mayor U Bo Htay for granting a land plot to a former general. Sources said that the order directly came from the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing.
Including the over 300,000 people displaced prior to the military coup last year and over 500,000 people displaced after the coup due to escalating violence across Myanmar have caused the total number of displaced/refugees to be 889,900 now according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

March 25, 2022

Min Aung Hlaing signed and amended the Article 18, Section 9 of Myanmar Police Force Law, which now allows the police forces to get involved in defense and security affairs of the state. This new amendment could mean that due to the proliferation of attacks by guerrilla fighters as well as defecting soldiers, the military regime is running short of soldiers.

In the latest round of US Sanctions, Brigadier General Ko Ko Oo and General Zaw Hein are commanders of military regions and Naing Htut Aung (International Gateways Group of Company Limited), Aung Hlaing Oo (Myanmar Chemical & Machinery) and Sitt Taing Aung (a known defense contractor) and their companies were all put in the list.

Khin Thiri Thet Mon, daughter of Min Aung Hlaing, purchased a significant share in Shwe Byain Phyu, which is the Myanmar partner of Telenor’s new owners.

March 27, 2022

In his speech at the Armed Forces Day, the coup leader Min Aung Hlaing explicitly vowed to “annihilate” the anti-coup protesters, and refused to have dialogue with the democratic forces.

March 28, 2022

Myanmar Now reported that the detained leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi postponed her hearing four times this month citing a source close to the court. Although there was no concrete reason for the postponement, the source said that it could be Covid concern.

March 29, 2022

Junta court sentenced Ma Saung Hnin Phyu, 19-year-old from Dawei, for ten years of imprisonment for donating MMK13500 to a resistance force.

March 30, 2022

The 29-year-old Man Zar Myay Mon, a prominent protest leader from Chaung-U, Sagaing Region, received 10 years jail time from the junta court.

March 31, 2022

KNU announced that the EAO and its alliance forces fought against the SAC forces in Karen and Mon states.


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